Payment methods
To activate Apple Pay as a payment method, you need to verify the domain where it will be used.
Administrative access to your WordPress dashboard.
Access to the Fundraise Up Dashboard using
Before we dive into performing a test donation using ACH US Direct Debit, let's first explore the various methods available for verifying ACH payments within Fundraise Up:
Manual Verification: Micro-deposits
You may have noticed that the payout amount for a donation sometimes differs from what you might expect based on the donation amount and fees. Here's why this happens and how payout amounts are calculated:
Stripe dispute, also known as a chargeback, inquiry, or retrieval, happens when a cardholder questions a payment through their card issuer. An inquiry or retrieval may simply request more information about
For most payment methods:
Your donors can donate in 135+ currencies. What is available to your donors is based on the currencies that are supported for the territory that your nonprofit is registered in.
By default, PayPal will create separate balances for donations received in currencies other than your account’s default currency. If you often receive donations in other currencies, we recommend configuring
1. How do I connect PayPal to my Fundraise Up account?
For instructions, refer to our PayPal guide.
2. Why does Fundraise Up require account-level permissions for PayPal connection?
Fundraise Up requires
1. Can I use another payment processor besides Stripe and PayPal?
Fundraise Up exclusively supports Stripe and PayPal as payment processors for monetary transactions. You must connect a Stripe account
To activate Apple Pay as a payment method, you need to verify the domain where it will be used. If your website is built using Webflow, you can easily complete the verification process from your Webflow
Clicking a link within a social media app like Facebook or Instagram often redirects you to the app's built-in browser, known as an in-app browser. While Fundraise Up works with these in-app browsers,