Campaign Page

Create hosted landing pages for your Campaigns at the touch of a button.

Campaign Pages are a powerful feature designed to take your fundraising efforts even further. Create hosted landing pages tailored to each campaign in a matter of few minutes — this is a turnkey solution that requires no code, no webmasters, no developers and no designers.

Campaign Pages work seamlessly across all devices in 22 languages, and you can create a custom domain to share across your main website, social media, email campaigns, and ads. Enjoy reliable hosting through Fundraise Up and Cloudflare, along with the ability to easily and automatically collect valuable analytics in Google Analytics and Meta Pixel.

The Campaign Page features fully customizable content on the left-hand side, with our ultra-effective optimized Checkout form embedded on the right.

P2P and Campaign Pages

If both the Campaign Page and the Checkout modal are enabled in the Campaign’s settings, a link to any associated P2P fundraiser will open a Campaign Page tailored to the fundraiser. Note, however, that any element on your organization’s site that opens P2P fundraisers will still open the Checkout modal.

A P2P Campaign Page, alongside the main Campaign Page content, also has the supporter's photo and name included. The Page’s text content is divided into the P2P admin’s personal message, and your campaign’s message. The goal meter shows the goal and money raised for this particular P2P fundraiser, while the social proof statistics beneath the goal meter encourage more visitors to contribute.

Tributes and Campaign Pages

Create tribute-focused Campaign Pages, such as “in memoriam” campaigns. Any Campaign Pages associated with a campaign that has Tributes enabled and Highlight the tribute name field checkbox enabled will display the tribute donation option at the top of the Checkout form. Learn more →

Donation matching

This feature is exclusive to Campaign Pages, and lets you set up campaigns that show to supporters from the Checkout form that their donations will be matched by a third party. So, for example, if you have a corporate sponsor willing to match donations over a certain amount for a certain period of time. Learn more →

Creating a page

There is no single button to create a Campaign Page — you can only enable it from within an existing campaign. In the campaign for which you want to enable a Page, go to Settings > General and check the Campaign Page сheckbox in the Campaign format section. You can enable both formats for your campaign: a Page and a Checkout modal. Learn more →

Preview and test your Campaign Page

To get a better understanding of how your supporters will experience your Campaign Page, you can use the following functions.


Preview allows you to view both the Page content and the embedded Checkout form screens supporters will see when they make a donation, as per the settings you have in place. This preview isn’t interactive, so you can’t make a test donation — you can only view the static screens.

To preview your Campaign Page you can click the Preview button in the Campaign Page block of the Campaign Overview or, when you’re editing your campaign, click the Preview button in the yellow bar at the bottom of the page.

From the Preview window you can switch between campaign formats (provided you have both enabled), devices, locales and countries. You can also see all the different screens that are part of the donation flow, as per your current settings.


Testing your Campaign Page allows you to actually go through the donation process in a Page, as your future supporters will.

To test your Campaign Page, you can click the Make a test donation link in the Campaign Page block of the Campaign Overview or, when you’re previewing your Campaign Page, click the Make a test donation link in the hint bar below the preview itself. This allows you to make a donation from start to finish, using the settings you have in place, with the option to switch between different locales and countries. Learn more →

Conversion optimization

A fundamental component of Fundraise Up’s Checkout form is its conversion optimization, achieved through a combination of modern web technologies, e-commerce methodologies, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI).

Below, you can learn more about some of the ways in which Fundraise Up achieves conversion optimization at checkout.

Zero redirects

Once your supporter has found your Campaign Page, they can complete their donation in full just using the embedded interactive Checkout form. This eliminates the need for redirects to other embedded or hosted donation scenarios, which can negatively impact conversion. By avoiding redirects in the donation process, the Campaign Page preserves click-to-view conversion.

Suggested donation amounts

Like many online giving solutions, our Checkout form displays an array of suggested donation amounts. However, a key differentiator is the use of AI to personalize each suggested amount for individual website visitors. This personalization has a positive effect on conversion.

Some of the attributes utilized by Fundraise Up AI include user location, browser version, device type, date, and time. All of the data collected and analyzed to produce donation suggestions is first-party.

Impact descriptions

Let your supporters know how their donation will make a tangible difference in your organization’s work with our Campaign Page’s built-in impact descriptions. Whether it’s $20 to buy school books or $500 to fund some life-saving cancer research, presenting supporters with a real example of the impact they could have is a proven way to boost conversion and maximize generosity. Learn more about impact descriptions →

Upsells and cross-sells

The Checkout form includes options for upselling supporters from one-time to recurring support, and the ability to cross-sell supporters to other fundraising channels.

In some cases, machine learning, a subset of AI, is used to calculate the appropriate conditions for presenting upsell and cross-sell opportunities to supporters.

  • Pre-conversion upsell: the pre-conversion upsell occurs before the point of conversion in Checkout. Typically, this upsell is presented after a supporter has selected a one-time donation amount, but before they select a payment method. The upsell opportunity is an upgrade from a one-time donation to a recurring plan.
  • Post-conversion upsell: this upsell occurs after a conversion in Checkout. Therefore, presenting the post-conversion upsell to a supporter cannot have a negative impact on conversion, making it an effective way to increase adoption of recurring support. The post-conversion upsell will either position an upgrade to monthly giving or annual giving. The frequency determination is made automatically based on a supporter’s behavior at checkout.
  • Annual tribute upsell: when a supporter gives a one-time tribute donation and provides the tributee’s name, they will automatically be given the option to transform their one-time donation into a recurring annual donation. This option will not appear if annual recurring donations are disabled in the Organization Settings.

Address autofill

When Checkout is configured with a prompt for a supporter to input their mailing address, address autofill helps reduce the amount of input required by a supporter. Autofill results are ranked based on a supporter’s location to display the most relevant results first.

To support organizations fundraising outside of the U.S., Fundraise Up implements autofill services that are best fit for a specific locale. This approach accommodates different types of address lookup, such as searches that begin with the postal code instead of the street number.

Adaptive cost coverage

Traditionally, supporters have been presented with the option to cover the transaction costs for a donation. Adaptive cost coverage is an enhancement to this functionality that uses AI to determine who to prompt with the ask to cover transaction costs. The result is an increase in conversion and revenue output.

Marketing and analytics

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is used to integrate marketing or analytics tools with your Campaign Pages. By incorporating your GTM Container ID into the “Analytics tools” settings, it becomes possible to directly manage tags, triggers, and variables from the GTM dashboard. This method facilitates tracking user interactions and collecting data seamlessly across your campaigns. Tools such as Google Analytics, Meta Pixel, and others from our approved list can be integrated through GTM, offering detailed insights into campaign performance without the necessity for direct code alterations on the pages.

Payment methods

Our Checkout form enables you to present virtually any modern payment method to supporters during Checkout, including crypto. Machine learning is used to determine which payment methods are displayed for each user. Characteristics such as device type and browser determine the display of payment methods for each supporter. Learn more →

Supported payment methods

The following payment methods are supported in our Checkout form:


Fundraise Up’s URL API can be leveraged to predefine certain attributes in a Campaign Page using a URL. This enables you to personalize the donation experience for individual visitors and reduce the number of fields that supporters need to fill. Learn more →

UTM tracking

UTM parameters work for Campaign Pages in the same way as they work for the Checkout modal. When UTM parameters are included in a Campaign Page’s URL, the parameter values are captured and stored on the resulting donation record. Learn more →

Note that, when adding UTMs to a Campaign Page URL, the first parameter must be preceded by a question mark (?) and not an ampersand (&). For more information and examples, see our UTM Support article.

Integrations and exports

We’ve added the  Source = Campaign page  field to our exports and integrations, so that you can determine whether a donation was made through a Campaign Page.


Your Campaign Pages will use the same domain as you set for the Donor Portal. You can find this option under Portal URL by opening your organization’s Dashboard settings and opening the Donor Portal side tab.

The Change URL button allows you to configure the URL. By default, Fundraise Up's domain is selected, and the links will appear as follows:

  • For the Donor Portal  https://[Organisation’s subdomain]
  • For your Campaign Pages — https://[Organisation’s subdomain]

It’s also possible to set up a custom domain for your organization.

SEO optimization

Boost visibility and drive organic traffic to your Campaign Page thanks to our SEO optimization features:

  • The title used in SEO will be the Campaign Page’s heading (eg. “Help them find a home”)
  • The description used in SEO will be the Campaign Page's main Message text.
  • For Open Graph (i.e. what will appear when someone shares the Page on social media) the Main image and the Page’s Heading will be used.


WCAG 2.1 AA compliance

Campaign Pages are WCAG 2.1 AA compliant and include features that enhance user experience when assistive devices like screen readers are used.

  • Color: to ensure compliance with WCAG standards, colors in Campaign Pages are not user-selectable. Fundraise Up has standardized Conversion Blue throughout the supporter experience to balance accessibility needs with conversion optimization
  • Typography: Fundraise Up has standardized the use of IBM Plex Sans throughout the checkout experience. Users can not enable alternate fonts for Campaign Pages. This standardization ensures that labels, text fields, and other components are properly rendered across all device types, and that all characters and special symbols can be displayed for all of Fundraise Up’s language localizations.
  • ARIA attributes: Fundraise Up has standardized the use of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes throughout Campaign Pages (and Elements) to increase and enhance accessibility for supporters utilizing screen readers for navigation.


The Campaign Page features a built-in cookie banner that automatically keeps your Pages fully compliant with European GDPR standards by letting supporters decide whether to consent to Fundraise Up’s use of cookies.

This banner will only appear for site visitors/organizations based in countries that follow the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive standards — these are the EU member countries, the UK and the EEA. Learn more →


Fundraise Up’s localization features enable your Campaign Pages to be translated into 22 languages and dialects. Support for multiple languages ensures that you can provide a donation experience in the preferred languages of your website visitors. Learn more →


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