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Virtual Terminal now has a timeout error, so that if an attempt to enter a donation doesn't actually reach our servers and start a donation, it'll show an error instructing the user to refresh the page and try again.

The upgraded Bloomerang Integration just got another new feature! You're now able to map Donation, Checkout Question, and Custom Field info from Fundraise Up into any Bloomerang Custom Fields in categories associated with Transactions or Constituents.

We've added a Role for users called Virtual Terminal Specialist for those users that should only be allowed to process new donations on donors' behalf, but should not be able to view existing donations. This should help empower call center staff and volunteers who process gifts.

Our RE: NXT Integration now more accurately sends information received from donations made as anonymous gifts and donors who did or did not provide a mailing list response.

Any Elements that show progress (goal meter, stat counter, top fundraisers/supporters) now refresh within your webpages once a minute and when the visitor makes a donation. We were inspired by the layouts you'd put together for live and pre-recorded events using Elements, and wanted to make those even more dynamic to encourage event visitors to keep giving!

As part of our rollout of more intelligent payment retry behavior, we've added a Recurring Plans section to the Settings menu, which will allow you to pre-select your behavior for its debut in January 2021 + subsequently change it as needed!

Charts on the Insights page now render 10x faster!

The Top Fundraisers Element is now clickable, allowing your site visitors to click in the row for each person to give to their Fundraiser directly!

Emails have received a substantial overhaul. We now offer controls to set account-wide defaults for your settings for supporter emails, and have adapted each Campaign's Emails tab to allow customizing them on a Campaign-by-Campaign basis.

The Top Supporters Element now intelligently only counts non-anonymous donations, so that your donors' choices during checkout are better respected.

The Settings menu (available by clicking your Account name in the top right and choosing Settings from the dropdown) has been reordered + regrouped for easier navigation.

Recurring Migration is now a visible Source for Donations + Recurring Plans, so you can now filter those tabs to see which gifts came in from Recurring Plans from your prior systems.

Top Supporters is now live! You can use this Element to show a dynamic acknowledgement board for one Campaign or across several Campaigns.

P2P just got a boost - while thanking your donors, encourage them to start a fundraiser right from checkout! Simply set the Thank You Screen to "Suggest to create P2P Fundraiser" and you're off to the races.

Link Elements now carry parameters in through their redirect. If you send someone an email with a link that comes from one of our Donate Links, and append a UTM source to the end of the URL, that UTM tag will follow the donor all the way through their browsing session to help you attribute the traffic + donations to the right source.

When you select which Designation an Element should pre-fill, you can also now specify whether the donor should be allowed to change it during checkout. Great for creating menus of image cards, buttons, and more!

The popup to start a fundraiser and the tools to manage it from Donor Portal are now substantially more navigable for keyboard-only visitors.

From each Campaign's P2P settings tab, you can now control the default end date (with 2 weeks out, 1 month out, and 3 months out as options) and the default personal message suggested for P2P Fundraisers aimed at that Campaign.

You can now fill in Offline amount + number of gifts for each P2P Fundraiser from the dashboard. This should help your org accurately credit fundraisers for any external progress (historical or via cash/check), while keeping control in your admins' hands.

Virtual Terminal now offers 2 new controls: one, checked by default, to allow donations to be paid for via ACH, and one, unchecked by default, to make CVC optional.

When editing tribute information on a Donation, you can now check the "Send e-card to tribute" box before saving to send or re-send the e-card to the email address listed!

Reminders now factor in P2P; if someone abandons a donation when giving to a fundraiser, the Reminder will bring them to resume that gift for that fundraiser specifically.

When editing the Campaign on a Donation, archived Campaigns will now show up with the archive icon in their row in the dropdown.

For any aficionados of Custom Fields, it’s now possible to export all Custom Field data as part of Donation + Recurring Plan export!

The Element preview now appears to the right of the editing pane in a fancy phone layout, so that you can see both the editing controls and the preview on-screen at the same time!

The P2P tab is now sortable by supporter, amount raised, and create/end date.

The Kindful Integration now has a "Default Group for Donors" dropdown in General Settings, to allow you to auto-associate all Contacts that have given via Fundraise Up with a particular Kindful Group. This should help for anyone syncing their Kindful Contacts to Mailchimp or other marketing email suites, as those syncs only include Contacts if they're in a Kindful Group.

The Salesforce Integration now makes + populates a field for the Contact record that is associated with a Recurring Plan record. This should help for reporting generally, having related lists on Contact records, and making better list views of Recurring Plans.

When editing the Tribute section on a Donation in the Dashboard, the Tribute e-card can now optionally be re-sent using the updated information you provide.

If your Campaign allows donors to give on behalf of a company, they are now prompted to click "Donate as a corporate gift" to be shown the Company Name field during checkout, rather than just being given the field (which caused substantial misunderstandings).

Clicking a Campaign in the Campaigns tab now opens to Checkout, as Dashboard is removed. We found that people looking to view performance info on a Campaign were more likely to just go to Insights and filter the view there, so we made doing that a simpler choice.

Campaign and Designation can now be edited from Donation & Recurring Plan records! Though, as with this same data in your CRM, that should only be done with donor consent, and with full awareness of its limitations: What this will do: Allow you to update + use historical sync to pass that to your CRM

What this won't do: Re-issue the receipt from Fundraise Up

Both Exports now include designation codes, so that you can better use that field for holding info about, in your other system, what the ID of each designation is.

ACH donations that fail while running the actual donation (meaning after their bank account's been verified) will now show more useful error messages to the donor in Donor Portal.

Newly issued PDF receipts now include a full date and time of when the donation was made, in the local time of your organization. Previously, they just had the date.

The Supporter search-box in the filters now accepts full names, and does so regardless of the ordering of the names.

The Elements tab was rebalanced so its columns will all fit horizontally without scrolling.

Hovering over a campaign when choosing from the Name filter will show you the full name of the campaign, in case the name is too long to fit in the dropdown.

The three-dot menu now appears over other content, even for the last item on the list.

PayPal donations should now come through to PayPal with a more informative descriptor for both donors and admins, including your org's account name and the Designation of the donation, if applicable.

Our Salesforce Integration now supports mapping Checkout Questions of the type "Single Checkbox" into Checkbox Fields in Salesforce.

The donation checkout now more intelligently offers payment options for in-app browsers like Facebook and Instagram's, so that we only offer options that work well in those experiences.

There's now a Source dropdown, to assist in filtering to just Website or just Virtual Terminal transactions.

The Elements tab's Name column can now be clicked to sort; first click sorts it descending (Z to A), next click sorts it ascending (A to Z)

The Name dropdown, which shows all active campaigns by name, now also has quick-search functionality - just start typing to find the exact campaign you need!

The styling and layout of the filters has been neatened up, to help bring priority to the more important items on the page + make them behave more predictably.

More payment methods, like Click To Pay, make the Credit Card Type and other card information available in the dashboard, the exports, and via CRM Integrations.

Donation and Recurring Plan records now have a Source section that shows whether it came in via Website, Virtual Terminal, or a P2P Fundraiser, and based on that, also shows: For Website, which web page they launched checkout from, which Element they used if any, and which Reminder Element saved them from abandoning their gift.

For Virtual Terminal, it shows which user processed it.

For P2P Fundraiser, it shows which fundraiser it was.

Two-factor authentication is now available for all users! When two-factor authentication is enabled, you’ll need to enter a unique code sent to your phone number to log in.

Elements can be cloned or archived right from the elements page, by using the three-dot menu on the right-hand side of their row.

Donation Form elements now fit neatly on the tiniest of mobile screens, with an update to their minimum width.

Donation and Recurring plan pages now show credit card expiration date, if applicable.

Partner notification emails have been improved, both in terms of data provided and in the design/layout of content.

A Designation selector! You can now, without futzing with the code, choose whether an element launches the campaign using the designation set in its checkout setting or another of the designations available for that campaign.

Exports, Salesforce, and Raiser's Edge: NXT now allow the mapping of credit card expiration, last 4, and type.

Archived campaigns are now clearly marked in your dashboard's filters, where they'll show up in a grey font with a little archive box icon next to their name.

We now notify you if your Click-To-Pay Checkout ID (as provided by Stripe) is invalid before enabling the feature, to assist in knowing when to contact Stripe support to get it resolved.

Our Raiser's Edge: NXT Integration has been cleaned up, with better handling of Recurring Gifts and Recurring Gift Payments, Special Rules, and more.

We now include US Territories and US Military options in Mailing Addresses, so that more people's valid addresses can be appropriately validated during checkout.

Redirect to URL is now an in-dashboard feature. When editing a Campaign's Checkout, you'll now see an option for Thank You Screen, where you can control whether donors see the in-checkout Thank You Screen, or whether they're redirected upon completion.

Donation and Recurring plan pages now allow editing of Supporter information directly, in a way that carries over in any Integration syncs! As such, the Supporter page is now not editable - it is merely a reflection of their contact info as found on their latest donation.

Integrations' automatic sync can now be paused! Integrations will now start in the Paused state when first connected, so that it won't immediately start syncing records before you have a chance to set defaults.

The recently enhanced global search has now been enhanced again, with the ability to search by Stripe and PayPal transaction IDs.

Donations made via Virtual Terminal now show which of your users processed the gift.

All of our CRM Integrations now include Checkout Questions!

Our first-party Salesforce integration now sends type-specific information for mapped fields.

The search bar now provides more comprehensive search results with more capable filter options 🔍

Virtual Terminal is now available for your phone and in-person donation taking needs!

You can now specify whether Salesforce should create associated Accounts while making new Contacts based on Fundraise Up donations from people not already in your database.

Analytics now fire for activities taken in Test Mode, and are flagged accordingly.

Integrations now show General Settings, Mapping Rules, and Special Rules in a tabbed section, so that it's easier to focus on just the settings pane you need.