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What’s new

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Polish language. Polish has been added as the 23rd language option for localization on Fundraise Up. Now, the entire supporter experience, including Checkout modal, Elements, Donor Portal, and emails, can be fully experienced in Polish. To enable Polish (or any other supported language), go to SettingsLocalization in your Dashboard. Learn more →

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“Recent donations” section update. The “Recent donations” section on Campaign Pages now provides a more complete picture of campaign support by showing the 100 most recent donations, up from the previous limit of 10. For campaigns with over 100 donations, the total number of donations is also shown.

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Improved peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising campaigns. P2P campaign goal meters can now show the currency chosen by the fundraiser, even if it's different from the main Campaign currency. This change gives individual fundraisers more control by allowing them to choose a currency that better matches their network.

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Single sign-on (SSO). Organizations can now take advantage of SSO functionality that allows users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This feature simplifies the login process for users and increases security through centralized account management.

Fundraise Up's SSO is compatible with all Identity Providers (IdPs) that support the SAML 2.0 protocol, including Okta, Auth0, and Microsoft Entra ID, giving you the flexibility to choose an IdP that fits your organization’s needs. Learn how to integrate SSO with your Fundraise Up account.

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ACH US Direct Debit enhancements. It is now possible to set up ACH US Direct Debit as a payment method for planned donations in Virtual Terminal, if the organization has automatic verification enabled. We have also removed the requirement to enter an email or phone number when setting up ACH US Direct Debit payments in Virtual Terminal if the organization uses auto-verification (unless “Make supporter’s email required” is checked). This can be configured under Settings → Virtual Terminal → Payment methods → Allow direct debits to be set up in the Virtual Terminal → Automatic verification.

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Campaign creation update. We've updated the Campaign creation process to give organizations more control. Before, the Checkout modal was enabled by default when creating a Campaign. Now, both the Checkout modal and Campaign Page formats start unselected, giving organizations full choice. Detailed descriptions have been added to the Checkout modal and Campaign Page tabs in the Dashboard, making it easier for users to understand and choose from them.

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New integration: Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. Fundraise Up now offers an integration with Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud, Salesforce's newest tool for fundraisers. To set up the integration, go to the Integrations page located in your organization's main settings and follow these steps. Learn more →

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Automatic Apple Pay enablement with Stripe. We've simplified the Apple Pay activation process. Now, it activates automatically once you configure your Stripe account in the Payment Methods. While domain verification with Apple Pay is still required, our improved status system now clearly displays the verification status of your domain for Apple Pay. This makes it easier for organizations to identify and resolve any verification issues.

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ACH US Direct Debit enhancements. More donors can now switch their payment method to ACH US Direct Debit in the Donor Portal. This update applies to organizations that are using automatic verification, not just those with online banking verification. Learn more →

Improved donation frequency selection in the Virtual Terminal. The Virtual Terminal now automatically displays donation frequencies from the settings of the selected campaign, reducing the need for additional selections. A new drop-down menu allows you to choose frequencies from campaign specific or account global settings, making the user experience more intuitive.

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Donation Forms added to URL API. We've updated our URL API to support pre-filling fields on Donation Forms using URL values. Previously, this feature was only available for the Checkout modal and Campaign pages.

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Enhanced Audit Log for donations and tributes. We've improved our Audit Log to provide greater transparency and easier investigation of changes in the dashboard. Now all changes to donations and tributes, including those in sub-accounts, are thoroughly recorded. This enhancement benefits nonprofits by providing a comprehensive record of both user- and system-generated changes.

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Comment field in JavaScript API events. The “Checkout close” and “Donation complete” events now include a comment field. This new field captures the text entered by your donors in the Comment section of both the Checkout modal and Campaign Page. This update gives you seamless access to donor comments at the moment of donation, providing valuable insight and a deeper connection with your supporters.

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Add currency in URL API. Now, the URL API supports passing a currency parameter, allowing an organization to specify both the amount and the currency to pre-fill information in the Checkout modal or Campaign Page. Learn more →

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Automatic Apple Pay domain verification for subaccounts. Now, the Donor Portal/Campaign Pages domains of subaccounts using their parent account payment methods are automatically verified, enabling faster and hassle-free Apple Pay usage. Learn more →

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API upgrade for checkout. We've upgraded our JS API. Now, the Checkout close event sends supporter details like ID, email, name, and subscription status — even if no donation is made. This enhancement provides richer data, helping better understand and engage with supporters. Learn more →

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Enhancement of bulk manual synchronization. Manual synchronization has become more precise, allowing to sync only the necessary donations and thus reduce synchronization time. Now, when initiating manual synchronization, you have the option to choose which types of donations to synchronize: unsynced live donations, all live donations, or all test donations. Learn more →

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“Remind me later” feature. Enhance your fundraising efforts with our new “Supporters with abandoned donations” feature, which helps you reconnect with donors who began but didn't complete their donations. By capturing their details early, we enable you to send follow-up reminders, increasing the chances of completing the donation. This feature is integrated into both the Checkout Modal and Campaign Pages for seamless operation. Activate it in the Settings tab under the “Supporters” section to start reclaiming lost donations. Learn more →

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Exports: new fields. Export browser, OS, and device information for all types of donations to gain insights into supporters' technology preferences. Find these fields in your export template columns.

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Upgrade Links in installment emails. Enhance the value of your current monthly supporters' gifts with ease by utilizing our latest feature, Upgrade Links, included in installment emails. Our AI-powered suggested amounts provide a simple method for supporters to boost their regular monthly contributions. Learn more →

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Direct access to supporter's Donor Portal. Organizations can now access their Supporter's Donor Portal directly from the Dashboard for testing and troubleshooting purposes. Simply navigate to the Supporter view in your Dashboard and click on the “Open Donor Portal” button to access the respective Donor Portal.

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GTM integration. Effortlessly add GTM containers to your Campaign Pages. Manage tags, triggers, and configurations directly from the GTM dashboard. The integration supports analytics tools and ad tracking pixels from the pre-approved list, ensuring compliance. Learn more →

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Audit Log. Gain a comprehensive overview of all changes made to your organization’s recurring plans, including historical data, with the new Audit Log. This feature enhances security and accountability, identifying the initiator, time and IP for every change made. Find the Audit Log in your Dashboard Settings, as well as condensed versions on individual recurring plan records. Learn more →

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Mailing address optional validation. We've introduced a setting that gives you the option whether or not to validate your supporters’ mailing addresses at the moment they’re added. You can opt to deactivate this setting to focus on maximizing Checkout conversion rates, or leave it activated to improve address accuracy and deliverability. Find this setting in the “Campaigns” section of your Dashboard settings. Learn more →

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Multiple CRM connections. You can now create multiple integration connections to all of our integrated CRM services. This allow you to connect both your organization’s main instance and a sandbox instance to test and fine-tune your integrations. To add an additional integration to another instance of your CRM service, head to the Integrations section of your Dashboard settings and click “Add integration.”

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Stripe card renewal update. In response to Stripe's introduction of a 0.25 USD fee for automatic card update services, we've revised our payment method management. Automatic card updates will be utilized only for active recurring plans and not for one-time donations, thereby minimizing unnecessary fees while still ensuring seamless card updates for your recurring donors.

German titles. German organizations can now opt to ask supporters for their title (Herr, Frau, Prof., or Dr.) To enable this option, to go the “Supporter” section of any campaign’s settings and enable the “Ask for title” checkbox.

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Donate button in list-type Elements. We’ve added the option for a “Donate” button to our Top Supporters, Top Locations, and Recent Donations Elements. With this addition, these three Elements will now also prompt action as well as showcasing other donors’ contributions. To enable this button, select the “Show donate button” checkbox in the Element settings.

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Impact descriptions. You can now boost generosity even further with impact descriptions, giving donors an idea of how exactly their donation might be used by your organization — “$50 feeds one family for a week”, for example. When added to a campaign, these impact descriptions will appear on both your Campaign Pages and in your Checkout modals next to each suggested amount. To start adding impact descriptions open the Settings tab in one of your campaigns and find the Suggested Amounts section. Learn more →

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Upsell in the Donor Portal. Donors are now able to increase their recurring donation and/or start covering their donation transaction costs with the click of a single “Give more” button in the Donor Portal.

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Virtual Terminal redesign. We’ve redesigned our Virtual Terminal, making it even easier to use. The new full-page layout features a handy fixed summary of the donation on a side panel, meaning your Virtual Terminal operators can efficiently process donations while always having essential donation details like frequency, amount, and cost coverage immediately in sight.