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What’s new

Explore new features and platform updates.

We added the ability to reset two-factor authentication (2FA) for account users. This way, if a user loses their phone or changes their phone number, you can easily restore access from the Fundraise Up Dashboard.

Some organizations have brokerage accounts that are not compatible with the Plaid-connection method we use for the stock giving feature. To address this, we introduced a manual brokerage connection method. This connection method is compatible with any brokerage account but provides slightly less automation.

Customers can now create custom receipt identifiers for PDF receipts generated by Fundraise Up. Previously, the receipt ID was randomly generated. Explore the docs.

You can now process donations in Virtual Terminal using a supporter’s saved card, wallet, and bank-based payment methods. Explore the docs.

iDEAL is a popular payment method local to the Netherlands that allows donors to make immediate online donations using their bank details. It is available to donors from the Netherlands and accounts based in Europe or Singapore. Learn more by reviewing the documentation for iDEAL.

We now have a HubSpot Certified App badge, which means that our HubSpot integration has passed an extra technical review by HubSpot’s team.

The DonorPerfect integration will now create corporate donations as gifts appropriately associated to corporate donors in DonorPerfect, and only try to match on Business Name in those cases.

All individual donations will only look for contact/donor matches against Donor records with the organization checkbox unchecked.

You can now provide localization support for the following languages in Checkout, emails, elements, and Donor Portal:

  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • Hungarian
  • Danish

Accounts based in France now have the option to add a Civilité dropdown (Civilité in French, and Title in English) to the Checkout’s personal information screen on a per-campaign basis, with the initial options being M, Mme, Mlle, and Autre.

We’ve added a “frequency” datapoint to the Javascript API to indicate the frequency of any recurring donation created during checkout.

All user notification emails now have a “Change my notification settings” button in the footer.

The link, if clicked, takes the user directly to the settings page where they can manage which notification emails they receive.

US-based Fundraise Up accounts can now connect a brokerage account as a payment processor, allowing donors to donate shares of stock.

As part of the sharing options for each P2P fundraiser, Fundraise Up now offers easily downloadable QR codes to help fundraiser members share their donate link far and wide.

This should help for a few specific contexts where asking people to type in or click a full link is not practical; for example, QR codes are much easier to use for in-person fundraising and printed flyers.

You can now set minimum donation amounts at which a mailing address is asked for or required of donors.

As a reminder, address requirement still carries a risk of conversion loss, so please still only add a mailing address requirement if truly necessary.

On each of your campaigns, you can choose how and whether donors are offered the opportunity to increase their donation amount to cover your organization's transaction costs.

You can now enable adaptive cost coverage, allowing your account's AI to decide whether each donor should see the transaction cost upsell, and if so, whether it should start pre-checked or un-checked. This new option is designed with the end goal of helping more donors complete more donations resulting in more total revenue for your organization.

In order to serve each donor the experience most likely to result in them making the best donation for them, we recommend going to each of your campaigns' checkout options and ensuring that Enable adaptive cost coverage is selected.

You can now select the recurring frequency offered in each campaign's checkout!

Please be aware that AI-powered upsells will still offer monthly recurring plans only at this time.

The "cancelled" stamp appended to PDF receipts for refunded donations now no longer always says "cancelled", and will instead now be translated into the appropriate language when an option other than English (US) is selected as the account's default language.

The periodic user notification emails (daily report, weekly report, and monthly report) now include a full breakdown of donations related to the timespan.

This includes sections for donations made earlier that succeeded during the report’s timespan, donations made during the report’s timespan that have yet to succeed, and donations which were made and succeeded all during the report’s timespan.

PDF receipts issued by Canadian accounts now have labels in both English and French for greater compliance with all Canadian provinces! The values for certain fields like currency layout and date format will still be based on the default language of the account.

Donations made in currencies other than the account default currency will now be sent with full information via the Virtuous integration, as we can now send both the original amount and original currency as well as the converted amount to Virtuous CRM.

You can now build Popup elements in Fundraise Up, which provide a full-screen interruption and call to action.

As part of making a Popup element, you can customize the image, header text, text, and donate button, as well as the possible conditions under which the Popup element can be shown.

You can now enable the new “Mastercard advance notice” email template to help achieve compliance with Mastercard’s new payment rules.

If enabled, it is sent seven days in advance of any donation installment of a recurring plan which will be six months or greater from the last installment and which will be paid for via Mastercard.

You can now assign a user role called Configuration Manager. This role allows the ability to make and manage campaigns, elements, as well as the ability to deploy code and manage related settings, while not allowing access to donations, recurring plans, p2p, supporter info, or exports.

As of now, all P2P fundraisers now have at least one team member - the supporter to which the fundraiser was associated.

Members of fundraisers can now share an invite link to allow other people to join their fundraisers, and Fundraise Up users can help administrate fundraisers by adding, editing, and deleting members manually.

P2P Button and P2P Link elements now offer an “Allow to join teams” checkbox which, if checked, allows people using that element to either start a fundraiser of their own, or search existing fundraisers for one to join.

Two new email templates have been added; "Member welcome", which can be sent to a new team member of an existing fundraiser, and "Member notification", which can be sent to existing team members when a new member joins a fundraiser they are part of.

Lastly, it’s now possible to make an export template that includes all new P2P team members, meaning all supporters which join an existing fundraiser.

The Microsoft Dynamics integration has entered open beta, and is now freely connectable to any Dynamics environment that is 365-hosted and has the nonprofit accelerator installed.

Donors can now receive a sequence of emails in the lead up to any card expiration, starting a month ahead of when the card associated with their recurring plan would expire.

Crypto, or cryptocurrency, is now a supported giving method in Fundraise Up! At this time, Gemini and Coinbase Commerce are supported as available payment processors for this payment option.

Localization of designation names is now available in the dashboard when making or editing designations.

You can now automatically send a donor an email when their recurring plan is updated either from within the Fundraise Up dashboard or from Donor Portal. This email includes a yellow box showing their next and future installment details , as well as a button to manage their recurring plan in Donor Portal.

Organization administrators can now automatically receive a weekly report on the sync behavior of all connected integrations in the past week. It includes links to the sync log for each relevant integration. Additionally, sync log sections on integrations now include a filter to allow only showing the last sync for each record for easier triage.

Accounts based in France should now have a more compliant and legible PDF receipt for their donors, including asterisks as required around the amount and payment method display.

Donors and users alike can now edit the frequency of existing recurring plans from either Donor Portal or the dashboard. The list of supported frequencies can be controlled from Settings, under “Recurring Plans”.

After months of evaluation of the performance of Bacs Direct Debit, this UK-specific payment method has been set to only be available for recurring donations to better reflect real-world usage and donor expectation.

Supporters using the P2P fundraiser setup modal to make their own fundraisers will be prompted to confirm that they can access the email address they provided by entering a code sent to them via email to that address.

This should help confirm that all fundraiser organizers can both receive emails related to their fundraiser and to use emailed login links sent to that address to access Donor Portal if needed.

As part of our ongoing effort to meet and exceed WCAG AA compliance, we have increased the contrast ratio of some buttons and focus indicators in the donation checkout popup.

The localization for languages where "donor" is a gendered noun in languages has been improved. In the majority of cases, we have either substituted the word (ex: saying "Donation Portal" instead) or removed the reference (ex: saying "name" instead of "donor name").

The Donor Portal demo experience is now more accurate to the actual Donor Portal experience, following the batch of improvements to it over the past year.

Donors editing or sharing their tributes (aka dedications) will now have to make an affirmative selection of whether their tribute is in honor or in memory of their tributee. Previously, it defaulted to "in honor" which was less than optimal for accurate tracking.

The HubSpot integration has now successfully graduated from beta! With HubSpot, and other business-grade CRMs, there are more questions as to whether an integration created viable data which can be used in as many of the broad range of possible configurations as possible.

The description of the behavior of the “Donation failed” email template (that goes out when a one-time donation fails after checkout) has been updated to better explain the actual “Retry my donation” button behavior in the email.

Each supporter’s preferred language can now be edited from the dashboard. Previously, this was only possible for the supporter to edit themselves from Donor Portal, so this should help admins assist supporters by reactively or proactively changing their language to their stated or known preference.

Reminder elements will now reopen checkout more exactly, by ensuring that if the donation amount is not editable in the original checkout that it is still “locked” in the reopened one. This should allow Reminder elements to be used more broadly, including in cases where a large number of elements or URL API checkout opens are expected which “lock” the donation amount.

Fundraise Up’s localization features now support Swedish, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), and Portuguese (Brazil) translation in checkout, elements, Donor Portal, and email templates.

A number of merge tags used with emails have had their behavior cleaned up for use with localization. Tribute type, among others, now insert more appropriate words based on the language the email is being sent in. Amount now more accurately reflects the currency amount formatting of the language as well.

It’s now possible when formatting export templates or setting up integrations to choose whether you are sending the Supporter Language as an ISO Code (en-US), name (English (USA)), or simple name (English).

It’s now possible (and optional) to choose a default “type of gift” for all Gifts made or updated as a result of the DonorPerfect integration syncing donations.

The homepage message, dynamic content you can edit from the Donor Portal settings screen, can now be localized into any languages you are supporting via localization.

It’s now possible (and optional) to choose a default constituent code for any constituents made or updated as a result of the Raiser’s Edge NXT integration syncing donations. Constituent code is mostly used to track the range of relationships a constituent has to your programs, so for example, ensuring that all constituents have a code of “online donor” can simplify your reporting.

Every webpage needs to have a descriptive title (found in the <title> tag) that helps identify it in the tab bar of a browser and for screen readers upon arrival. The titles in Donor Portal have been improved to help visitors understand that they are in a Donor Portal and which record page in Donor Portal they are on.

When changing an existing recurring plan to BECS, Bacs, or SEPA, now full guarantee information and all additional fields needed (such as Bacs acceptance of the terms) will be asked during the change.

The test mode banner that appears on a website when Fundraise Up is in test mode has been improved. It now shows full-time (not just when checkout is open), offers country and language selectors, and in cases where the URL parameter was used to launch test mode (as opposed to the Javascript tag), offers an exit button to allow quick reloading into live mode.

Links that point to specific records or actions in Donor Portal now have much more clear screenreader-accessible explanations of which record they will open if visited. For example, the screenreader text for download receipt and view details links for any given donation now clearly state the amount and date of the donation.

The settings screen for the HubSpot integration now clearly shows the name and ID of the Pipeline the integration will make Deals in. This way, if there’s a need to rename the pipeline, it’s still clear where the integration is syncing donations.

Organizations in the majority of EU countries can now enable SEPA Direct Debit to allow their donors paying in euro to make donations directly from their bank accounts simply by providing their IBAN number.

Donors will receive emails from Fundraise Up right as every SEPA donation begins processing in accordance with SEPA guidelines using the recently added “Donation in progress” email template.

It’s now possible to control whether Donor Map elements’ displays of donations have a celebratory emoji next to each entry.

The DonorPerfect integration has been improved with better handling of cases where organizations would like the integration to populate receipting fields on the Gifts, with the addition of four new selectors to set preferences in the integration.

Donor Map elements will now automatically refresh for visitors both when they make a donation, as well as roughly once a minute. This should make it much more viable as a promotional tool for cases where visitors are likely to leave the page open, such as live or streamed event pages.

The recurring plan edit screen has been improved in both Donor Portal and the dashboard.

The new edit screen is both better in that it has multiple options, allowing donors and admins to edit amount, date, and payment method for a plan all at once, and is better in that it expands the payment method edit options for non-US bank donors.

When making or editing an Export template, it’s now possible to choose whether the export should include records from all campaigns, or just from specific campaigns.

Fundraise Up’s localization features now support German, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, and French (France) translation in checkout, elements, Donor Portal, and email templates.

It’s now possible to map Fundraise Up datapoints to NXT custom fields of the types Currency, Date, and Yes/No using the NXT integration.

You can now create and embed Donor Map elements on your website, allowing you to showcase regional donor activity with comprehensive location, privacy, and display controls.

The Donations and Recurring Plans tabs now include an option under More Filters to only show records where a Business Name was provided. This was added to offer easier viewing and management of any donations attributable to an organization rather than an individual.

The export tool now includes helpful presets on donation exports to assist with applying the right column labels and formats for imports into Raiser’s Edge 7 and Raiser’s Edge NXT respectively.

We’ve optimized tribute-focused checkouts, specifically in cases where the organization chooses to automatically suggest the donor make a tribute donation.

It’s now possible to localize both the label and the URL of any links added to a campaign’s Ask page.

It’s now possible to use the Supporter language datapoint in exports and in CRM mapping rules.

Certain email domains are more prone to failing validation checks than others, due to inconsistent setup practices. With comcast.net and verizon.net, this results in a minority of their emails being unusable. For those domains, any time an email fails our initial partner’s validation, we now run the donor’s email past another validator as well to get a second opinion.

It’s now possible to add Donation Frequency as a merge tag in the Salesforce integration’s opportunity name editor.

The DonorPerfect integration out of the box uses Pledges to represent recurring plans, and Gifts to represent donations and donation installments. It’s now possible to turn off the Pledge creation part of that behavior if needed.

You can now use the supported frequencies controls in your recurring plan settings to govern which frequencies are offered in Virtual Terminal and, in the future, in other locations where frequency can be adjusted on existing recurring plans.

Security has been improved for Donor Portal, providing a tighter time window for which login links will function.

The “Donation in progress” email template is now used in all cases where a donor needs to be notified that their donation has been started and payment collection is in progress, but has not completed yet. This is currently sent when many regional bank-based payments (Bacs, BECS, SEPA, login-based PAD) are initiated, as well as in any case where a PayPal donation takes longer than expected.

Two weeks in to the launch of Localization, we’ve performed a round of fixes, tweaks, and improvements to Element, email, URL rule, and checkout display and behavior in order to provide a more seamless user experience.

It’s now possible to control whether the Top Supporters element shows your donor list’s total giving amounts in a particular currency or the currency of the majority of their donations.

The account settings screen for emails has gotten a redesign, allowing it to be navigated with much less scrolling and incorporating the new email localization screen if applicable.

Tribute type on new tributes will now be left blank, allowing more accurate reporting so that new tributes will only have tribute type populated if the donor made an intentional choice to notify you of whether the tributee is being honored or remembered.

Fundraise Up now offers localization tools for Checkout, emails, elements, and Donor Portal, allowing donors to make donations, manage recurring plans, and receive emails all in their language of choice. This initial release comes with French (CA), Spanish (LATAM), and English for the US, UK, and Canada, with more coming this year and beyond!

Some aspects of Checkout styling have been optimized; borders have been adjusted for better UI interaction and text has been adjusted for fit and legibility.

The banner and logo images in the Ask pane of Checkout now have placeholder alt text, allowing donors with screenreaders to understand that they are decorative and that they can quickly tab onwards to the ask title and message.

In Exports, any "Postal" field being exported now has two format options; Postal code, and Postal code plus 4. If the latter format is selected, for any US postal code info where we stored the plus 4, it'll export the postal code, then a hyphen, then the plus 4 digits of the postal code into that cell.

In the Salesforce integration, we now scan the postal code of the address on file for any contact against what we have on file, and only write if it's a true update, to accommodate "plus 4" scenarios.

The "Recurring plan scheduled" email template now appropriately has the Designation merge tag, allowing the addition of designation information to the email that goes out when a recurring plan is created with a future start date.

It's now possible to add the "Is Live" field to exports for easier post-export filtering of which records represent live transactions, as opposed to test ones.

Venmo is now live as a payment option for one-time donations! Any organization which already has a connected PayPal account can enable Venmo immediately from the payment options settings page.

Accounts for Canadian and German charitable organizations now automatically require mailing address during donation checkout to ensure that all tax receipts offered are fully compliant.

Users in subaccounts which use their parent account's payment settings and receipt settings will now appropriately not see the legal info and tax document fields in that subaccount's Account settings page.

Virtual Terminal now allows the creation of Bimonthly and Semiannual recurring plans. Previously, these frequencies were only available for migrated recurring plans.

Tribute images from image collections now have automatically generated alt text based on the name of the image collection they are from, both in the dedication form in Donor Portal and resultant emails.

The Bacs Direct Debit checkout flow has been improved, bringing it further in line with the best practices provided by Bacs and Stripe through the addition of a name field, explanatory text, and a confirmation screen.

When setting up Mapping Rules for any integration, sometimes the names of fields can be quite long. It should now be easier to see the full names of any fields you have mapped data into, as now, hovering your cursor over them will show a tooltip with the full name of the field.

The Fundraise Up thank you screen shown to donors who made a tribute is now optimized, offering a more friendly "Send a card" button for donors who want to proceed right to Donor Portal to share it and a "Make another dedication" button for donors who want to make multiple tribute gifts at a time.

The EveryAction integration is now out of beta and is considered a stable release. Please feel free to contact your Success Engineer or our Support team if you would like any assistance connecting it at this time!