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Learn more about lead conversion, multiple currencies, and API requests.

Lead conversion

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Fundraise Up does not automatically convert Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud leads into full accounts. In other words, if an organization creates a lead in Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud and that lead later makes a donation through Fundraise Up, we do not automatically convert that lead into a full account.

Handling multiple currencies

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In Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud, you can enable the use of multiple currencies. Whether or not you enable multiple currencies will change the way donation amounts synced from Fundraise Up are represented in Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. Here’s how:

When the multiple currencies feature IS enabled in Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Donations amounts synced from Fundraise Up will be displayed in the currency that was auto-detected or chosen by the supporter at Checkout.
When the multiple currencies feature is NOT enabled in Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Donation amounts synced from Fundraise Up will be displayed in your Fundraise Up account’s default currency.

Salesforce API request limit

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By default, Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud limits the number of API requests that any user or account can make within a 24-hour period. As a rule of thumb, you want to make sure that the average number of donations you receive every day does not exceed this limit.

You can determine your API request limit by navigating to Setup and then Company Information within your Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud account.

In some circumstances, you may need to request a temporary limit increase. This is often needed when you sync a significant number of historical records from Fundraise Up to Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. You can request a temporary limit increase directly from Salesforce.

Handling exceeded request limits: If your organization reaches its Salesforce API request limit, data syncing will temporarily stop. We'll attempt to resync the data periodically, and as soon as the Salesforce API limit is increased, sync will resume where it left off.


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