
Get your EveryAction integration up and running from the Dashboard.

Get your EveryAction API key

An EveryAction administrator can generate an API key for the specific EveryAction committee for which you'd like Fundraise Up to write in records.

If you are an EveryAction admin, you'll need to navigate to the API Integrations page in the left-hand menu, and either make and approve your own request for a key, or approve someone else's request.

Once you've approved an API key request, you'll see a link on that API Integrations page, allowing you to generate an API key. When doing so, make sure that you select the "FundraiseUp" API key type, to ensure that your key is generated with all the appropriate permissions.

EveryAction offers the following guidance around API keys:

Once you have retrieved your key, please make sure not to share your key unmasked or in plain text via an email. It should be treated as a password to your data. If your key has been handled in an insecure manner, follow up with your administrator immediately to revoke it and get a key refresh.

Connect the Integration

Once you've obtained an Application Name and API key for your EveryAction account, go ahead and log in to your Fundraise Up account to set up the Integration.

In the Fundraise Up dashboard, click on your organization's name in the top bar, then click Settings.

From the left-hand menu of Settings, click Integrations to be taken to a list of the connected Integrations for your organization's account and a button allowing you to add integrations.

To continue, click the Add Integration button, then click EveryAction from the list.

This will take you to a screen describing the requirements of the Integration, and what it can do when connected.

To establish the connection as described, click the Connect EveryAction button, then enter the Application Name and API key of your EveryAction user account, and click the Connect my EveryAction Account button.

Customizing the integration

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Now that you've connected your EveryAction Integration, you can customize it further and start automatically syncing donations from your EveryAction Integration settings page, available by clicking into Settings -> Integrations -> EveryAction:

Review the Integration's default behavior + Enable Automatic Sync

Once you Enable Automatic Sync from the bottom of the Integration screen, our Integration's sync will run after every successful donation made via Fundraise Up, including for installments of recurring donation plans.

To the extent that we can, we seek to make our CRM Integrations fill in every standardized field and create every standardized record that's expected.


The integration makes Contributions in EveryAction to represent all Donations, and fills in certain key fields by default like amount and date.

Refunding a Donation in Fundraise Up will sync a Refund Adjustment into EveryAction for the corresponding Contribution.


When a Donation is synced in and creates a Contribution in EveryAction, the integration uses EveryAction's matching rules to attempt to find an existing Person.

If EveryAction does find a matching Person, the integration associates the Contribution with that Person. If it doesn't, it makes a new Person, and it associates the Contribution with the new Person.

In both cases, it updates any stock personal or contact information fields for which the Donation had updated information, such as name, email address, phone number, and physical address.

If the supporter checked the Mailing List box during checkout, it marks their email address' Status in EveryAction to Subscribed, and if it's unchecked or the question isn't offered, we'll mark that email address' Status to Not Subscribed. That behavior only works if the person hasn't Unsubscribed directly in EveryAction previously though; if an email address has previously been marked Unsubscribed in EveryAction, you'd need to change that from within EveryAction upon supporter request for resubscription.


The integration makes Commitments in EveryAction to represent any synced Recurring Plan.

Any Contributions made in EveryAction that represent installments of a Fundraise Up Recurring Plan get associated with the corresponding Commitment in EveryAction.

Known Limitations

Fundraise Up integrations are API-based, meaning that the software suite that data is being synced into controls how records can be made, whether they can be edited, and so forth. Before using the EveryAction integration, we recommend reviewing the following known limitations:

  • Contributions:
    • The Market Source Code field on Contributions is unavailable to the Bulk Import API we use to write into EveryAction, so it cannot be directly filled by our sync.
    • Custom text fields in EveryAction have character limits, so we will truncate at the character limit.
    • Custom dropdown fields in EveryAction are available via Special Rules, but not Mapping Rules.
  • Commitments:
    • Start Date on Commitments is hard-set to the date the Commitment was created in EveryAction - we cannot set it to the start date of the plan in FRU.
    • EveryAction's Commitments lack certain frequencies that Fundraise Up supports in Recurring Plans, such as Daily. In those cases, we'll sync in the Donation installments of those Recurring Plans as Contributions, but will not sync in those Recurring Plans as Commitments.

Set your defaults using General Settings & Mapping Rules

The EveryAction Integration page has four sections:

  • the header, which shows you what account you connected,
  • the tabbed area, which lets you set your sync behavior,
  • the sync log, which shows you records that've synced into EveryAction,
  • and the footer, with options to run historical syncs or deactivate this Integration.

It's good to start in the tabbed area (with tabs labeled General Settings, Mapping Rules, and Special Rules) so that you can cover your most common donation scenarios. Any changes you make in any of the tabbed sections are not saved until you hit the Save Changes button at the bottom of that area.

Look over your General Settings

The screen will have the General Settings tab open by default, as shown here:

Within General Settings, you'll find a few checkboxes and a few dropdowns.

Checkbox options:

Dropdown options:

  • Default designation
  • Email status if not submitted
    • This allows you to control the Email status saved on new people in EveryAction created by synced donations where the mailing list checkbox was not offered during Fundraise Up checkout.
    • For regions allowing implied mailing consent, it can safely be set to Subscribed; for all other jurisdictions, we recommend leaving it blank to ensure compliance.
  • Default comment

Make some Mapping Rules

The second tab in is labeled Mapping Rules - it allows you to make 1-to-1 mappings of fields in Fundraise Up to fields in EveryAction.

As covered above, some mappings are already built-in by default (i.e. donation amount to donation amount), so this area is really for defining what additional things should be true most of the time.

To add a rule here, you'll click the Add Rule button to start choosing what Fundraise Up object the mapping should start with.

You can modify existing rules by clicking on any of the object or field buttons that represent the mapping, or delete them by clicking the grey x on the right-hand side of that rule's row.

When talking about mappings, we'll follow the format:

Object in Fundraise Up: Field in Fundraise Up -> Object in Every Action: Field in EveryAction

The available Fundraise Up entities to map data from are:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Designation
  • Donation
  • Checkout Question
  • Custom Field
  • UTM Parameter
  • Static Value
    • This allows you to enter a specific value to pass in for every Donation.

The available EveryAction entities to map data to are:

  • Designation
  • Source Code
  • Contact
    • This will allow you to map to any custom fields on the Person object
  • Contribution
    • This will allow you to map to any custom fields on the Contribution object

To handle Donations where the supporter checked the "Anonymous" checkbox, we recommend making a custom text field on the Contribution object in EveryAction, and mapping:

  • Donation: Supporter Anonymous -> Contribution: Anonymous

Once you've done so, you can make sure that any reporting in EveryAction you use to power attribution reporting exclude any gifts marked anonymous.

Cover any exceptions using Special Rules

Your defaults will have you covered most of the time - what about the edge cases?

For exceptions, we have the Special Rules tab! Any mappings you set here will override your Mapping Rules. As such, we allow you to get more granular here - where Mapping Rules limits you to mapping field-to-field, Special Rules allows you to map option-to-option.

To add a rule here, you'll click the Add Rule button to start choosing what Fundraise Up object the Special Rules' mapping should start with.

Fundraise Up offers Accounts (if subaccounts are being used), Campaigns, and Designations as the basis for our side of any Special Rule going into EveryAction.

EveryAction can then say what Designation or Code matching the above criteria Contributions and Commitments should get written towards in EveryAction.

So, let's say any gift coming in with the "After School Program" Designation in Fundraise Up should go to the "Extracurricular" Code in EveryAction. The Special Rule would be made as follows:

  • Designation: After School Program -> Code: Extracurricular

Sync your historical data

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Once you chose to Enable Automatic Sync, all new donations will have started coming over to your EveryAction account, generating records as applicable.

How do you get past donations and supporter data in? What about changes that've been made to your mappings; how do you get that new data in?

For scenarios like those, we offer the ability of manual sync that'll add any new records and update any previously synced ones.

Enable or Pause Automatic Sync

This button will show you the available option for the automatic sync:

  • if the automatic sync is currently paused, it'll show you an option to enable it so that future donations automatically sync into EveryAction,
  • and if the automatic sync is currently enabled, it'll show you an option to pause it so that future donations aren't automatically synced into EveryAction.

Start manual sync

Use this button to sync live or test donations from Fundraise Up into EveryAction. You have the option to import all donations or select specific donation types and choose a date range. This mass sync feature will not sync test donations.

Once you click Start sync, the sync will begin.

Refreshing the page and scrolling back down to the footer will show you the progress/results of that latest manually-started sync.

Donation types:

  • Unsynced live donations: This category includes live donations facing synchronization issues (such as failed last synchronization events) and donations that haven't been synchronized before.
  • All live donations: Synchronization of all live donations regardless of their current synchronization status.
  • All test donations: Synchronization of all test donations.


This will remove all syncing between the two platforms. If you connect that same account again in the future, we'll remember your settings.


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