JavaScript API

Explore Fundraise Up’s JavaScript API.

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Fundraise Up’s JavaScript API can be used to integrate Fundraise Up with other apps and integrations that are not natively supported by the platform.

The JavaScript API is most often used to track Fundraise Up conversion events in other apps.


We push events to Google Tag Manager based on user interactions with the Checkout modal and the Campaign page. For the Checkout modal, we push three events: FundraiseUp.checkoutOpenFundraiseUp.checkoutClose, and FundraiseUp.donationComplete. Meanwhile, on the Campaign page, we only push two events: FundraiseUp.checkoutOpen and FundraiseUp.donationComplete. The behavior of these events and example payloads for each are described below.


This event is fired every time a Checkout modal or a Campaign Page is opened.

2  "customFields": {
3    "fiscal_year": "fy2023",
4    "form": "DonateNow"
5  },
6  "livemode": true,
7  "campaign": {
8    "id": "FUNCPJTZZQR",
9    "code": "C-INT-0000",
10    "name": "General Donations"
11  },
12  "utm": {
13    "source": "",
14    "campaign": "",
15    "medium": "",
16    "content": "",
17    "term": ""
18  },
19  "element": {
20    "id": "XTGWFZFR",
21    "type": "Donate Button",
22    "name": "Header Nav - Donate"
23  }


This event is fired any time Checkout is closed, regardless of whether a conversion has been logged. If the Checkout modal is closed before a donation is completed, the information the supporter entered before closing (their name and email address, for example) will still be sent.

After a successful donation

2  "customFields": {
3    "fiscal_year": "fy2023",
4    "form": "DonateNow"
5  },
6  "livemode": true,
7  "campaign": {
8    "id": "FUNCPJTZZQR",
9    "code": "C-INT-0000",
10    "name": "General Donations"
11  },
12  "utm": {
13    "source": "",
14    "campaign": "",
15    "medium": "",
16    "content": "",
17    "term": ""
18  },
19  "element": {
20    "id": "XTGWFZFR",
21    "type": "Donate Button",
22    "name": "Header Nav - Donate"
23  },
24  "supporter": {
25    "id": "SBLQMBBU",
26    "email": "",
27    "firstName": "Caractacus",
28    "lastName": "Potts",
29    "anonymous": false,
30    "mailingListSubscribed": false,
31    "employer": null,
32    "onBehalfOf": null
33  },
34  "donation": {
35    "id": "DNNLGBJF",
36    "paymentMethod": "CreditCard",
37    "amount": 25,
38    "feesCovered": 1.5,
39    "currency": "USD",
40    "recurring": false,
41    "frequency": "once"
42  },
43  "designation": {
44    "id": "EXVNFMNX",
45    "name": "food for the hungry",
46    "code": "F-INT-0014"
47  },
48  "tribute": null,
49  "recurring": {
50    "id": "RNXGXWWR"
51  },
52  "comment": null

An example of the CheckoutClose event after a successful donation. This event is identical in parameters to donationComplete.

Without a successful donation

2  "customFields": {
3    "fiscal_year": "fy2023",
4    "form": "DonateNow"
5  },
6  "livemode": true,
7  "campaign": {
8    "id": "FUNCPJTZZQR",
9    "code": "C-INT-0000",
10    "name": "General Donations"
11  },
12  "utm": {
13    "source": "",
14    "campaign": "",
15    "medium": "",
16    "content": "",
17    "term": ""
18  },
19  "element": {
20    "id": "XTGWFZFR",
21    "type": "Donate Button",
22    "name": "Header Nav - Donate"
23  },
24  "supporter": {
25    "id": null,
26    "email": "",
27    "firstName": "Caractacus",
28    "lastName": "Potts",
29    "anonymous": false,
30    "mailingListSubscribed": false,
31    "employer": null,
32    "onBehalfOf": null
33  },
34  "donation": null,
35  "designation": null,
36  "tribute": null,
37  "recurring": null,
38  "comment": null

An example of checkoutClose without a successful donation.


This event fires at the point of conversion in Checkout.

2  "customFields": {
3    "fiscal_year": "fy2023",
4    "form": "DonateNow",
5    "hs_preview": "UvMjiRBY-66781953082"
6  },
7  "livemode": true,
8  "campaign": {
9    "id": "FUNCPJTZZQR",
10    "code": "C-INT-0000",
11    "name": "General Donations"
12  },
13  "utm": {
14    "source": "",
15    "campaign": "",
16    "medium": "",
17    "content": "",
18    "term": ""
19  },
20  "element": {
21    "id": "XTGWFZFR",
22    "type": "Donate Button",
23    "name": "Header Nav - Donate"
24  },
25  "supporter": {
26    "id": "STMNACDG",
27    "email": "",
28    "firstName": "Tulsi",
29    "lastName": "Lattimer",
30    "anonymous": false,
31    "mailingListSubscribed": false,
32    "employer": null,
33    "onBehalfOf": null
34  },
35  "donation": {
36    "id": "DPPSCTFU",
37    "paymentMethod": "CreditCard",
38    "amount": 5.6,
39    "feesCovered": 0.6,
40    "currency": "USD",
41    "recurring": false,
42    "frequency": "once"
43  },
44  "designation": {
45    "id": "EHHJ9R36",
46    "name": "the greatest need",
47    "code": "F-INT-0001"
48 },
49  "tribute": null,
50  "recurring": {
51    "id": "RNXGXWWR"
52  },
53  "comment": null

Custom fields

Custom fields that you add to a Campaign can be sent to the JavaScript data layer. In the example below, the donationComplete event is fired. Its payload includes parameters for three custom fields: fund, appeal, and source.

1FundraiseUp.on('donationComplete', function(details) {
2  var fund = || '';
3  var appeal = details.customFields.appeal || '';
4  var source = details.customFields.source || '';

Debugging and testing

You can debug and test events sent to the JavaScript data layer using your browser’s console. In the example below, the parameters for the Fundraise Up event, checkoutOpen, are written to the console when the event is fired.

1FundraiseUp.on('checkoutOpen', function(details) {	
2  console.log(details);

Implementation example

In the example below, the Fundraise Up JavaScript API is used to fire and provide parameter values to the Feathr Super Pixel tracking code.

1FundraiseUp.on('donationComplete', function(details) {
2  var feathr_amount = details.donation.amount || 0;
3  var feathr_recurring = details.donation.recurring || 'Not Provided';
4  var feathr_currency = details.donation.currency || 'USD';
5  var feathr_fullName = details.supporter.firstName + ' ' + details.supporter.lastName || '';
6  var feathr_email = || 'Not Provided';
7  var feathr_companies = [details.supporter.employer] || ['Not Provided'];
9  feathr("update", {
10    "name": feathr_fullName,
11    "email": feathr_email,
12    "companies": feathr_companies
13  });
15  feathr(
16    "convert",
18    {
19      "amount": feathr_amount,
20      "currency": feathr_currency,
21      "category": "YOUR CONVERSION CATEGORY"
22    },
23    {
24      "RECURRING": feathr_recurring
25    }
26  );

Platform guides

Explore using Fundraise Up’s JavaScript API with popular platforms.


Use Checkout events to create custom triggers and tracking properties.


Send Checkout events to marketing pixels for audience building and advertising.

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Integrations •


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