
Set up your integration with Kindful and set how you want to map information from the Fundraise Up Dashboard.

Choose Kindful on the Integrations page in Settings

In your Fundraise Up dashboard, click your org's name in the top right, click Settings, and in the left-hand menu of your Settings area, choose Integrations.

On the Integrations page, click Add integration and choose Kindful from the available options to be directed to the Kindful Integration page.

Connect your Kindful Account

Click the Connect Kindful button. This will then send you to Kindful, where you must log in (or be logged in) to a Kindful account.

After this, Kindful will ask for your permission to allow Fundraise Up to send data to Kindful. Approve this, and you are connected.

Wrapping Up

We do recommend customize your integration's setup to match your more personalized data in Kindful.

The Integration is paused when first connected - once you're happy with your Integrations' setup, don't forget to scroll to the bottom and click the Enable Automatic Sync button so that new donations start syncing in real-time!

Customize the integration

Now that you've connected the Kindful Integration to your Kindful account, you have control over whether donations sync automatically and more! This article will help you understand optimizing the Integration's options to make sure everything comes over in a way that best matches your practices in Kindful.

Data Matching: All matching and merging of constituents are handled by the Kindful CRM. Please contact Kindful for more information.

Understand what the Integration always does

Standard records and fields

Once you've Enabled Automatic Sync at the bottom of the Integration screen, any future donations made via Fundraise Up will make records in Kindful. While we offer plenty of options for customization, we do always make certain records and fill in certain fields, to make sure that the standards Kindful expects for data are met. So, we always fill in:


  • Transactions: We create transactions to represent one-time Donations or Donations that are installments of Recurring plans, filling in Type, Amount, and other stock Transaction fields.
    • Transaction Type: We auto-enter Credit for one-time donations and Offline Recurring Transactions for recurring plan installments.


  • To reduce duplicates, we only create new Contacts if the name + email address used on the Donation is not found on an existing Contact in your Kindful account. If we find an existing Constituent by matching on their email address, we update any contact information provided during the donation.
  • We fill in any of the following fields provided during checkout:
    • Email Address
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Address
    • Phone

Email Opt In Field

The Email Opt In field is populated by Kindful when creating a new contact.

If you DO NOT enable the Mailing List option in your Checkout, we do not send this field at all to Kindful and rely on the Kindful default behavior.  Kindful sets this field to True by default for all new contacts.

If you DO enable the Mailing List option in your Checkout, we set Email Opt In to True if the checkbox was checked and False if the checkbox was not checked.

Known Limitations

Fundraise Up integrations are API-based, meaning that the software suite that data is being synced into controls how records can be made, whether they can be edited, and so forth. Before using the Kindful integration, we recommend reviewing the following known limitations:

  • Kindful does not have global custom fields on transaction objects. Transaction custom fields are campaign-specific, and as such cannot be mapped into.
  • External recurring transaction schedules cannot be written into Kindful. The integration will write in each donation installment, but to see the schedule of payment and current status you’ll want to click back into your Fundraise Up account.

Review your defaults in General Settings

  • Sync Test Data - Enable this if you'd like all test data that you generate in Fundraise Up to be sent to Kindful. Please see this article regarding Test Mode for more information.
  • Update "Has been acknowledged" if Thank You email has been sent by Fundraise Up - Fundraise Up sends a thank you email and receipt for every donation. If you'd like this to suffice for your acknowledgment of your supporter, you can check this box, and that donation will be updated in Kindful as having been acknowledged. If you have other processes - for example, phoning them - then you should uncheck this option.
  • Only Sync Mailing List Opt-Outs For New Donors - Selecting this checkbox will only opt-out for new contacts created in Kindful when given the option to not subscribe to a mailing list.
  • Default Comment - This is an incredibly useful feature. By default, Fundraise Up will pass some basic data, such as a link back to that specific donation, directly into the Comment notes for that donation. However, you can include as much information as you like by choosing the data you'd like to be automatically added. Just click the "tag" icon, and add data.

  • Default Fund - This allows you to select a default Fund for donations. Helps if Fund should always be set to one thing for donations, or if you only want to use Special Rules to map specific donations' Fund field and want a sensible Fund value set for those donations not meeting your Special Rules' criteria.
  • Default Group for Donors - This allows you to auto-associate all Individual Contacts within Kindful who've made Fundraise Up donations to a particular Kindful Group. Helps for marketing email sync (as Kindful's sync tools only sync contacts if they're in any group) and for further segmentation (as that group will be available in your marketing email suite as a segment of your list that you can email specifically).

NOTE: The Kindful COMMENT field has a maximum number of characters of 2,000. You may customize the COMMENT data as you like. However, we recommend including the Donate Page URL as a minimum, as this will give you a quick link to the Fundraise Up donation record with full details.

Set additional defaults with Mapping Rules

By default, you will have one default Mapping Rule: Fundraise Up campaign name maps to Kindful campaign name. If a campaign of the same exact name exists in Kindful, the donation will be associated with this. If it doesn't exist, a new one will be created.

You can add additional mapping if you like, sending Fundraise Up campaign, custom fields, designations, or a static value of your choosing to a Kindful campaign or fund.

TIP! If you plan on changing Campaign Names from time to time, this will create a new campaign. If you want to avoid this, give your campaigns a Campaign Code (found in Campaign > Settings) that matches your Kindful Campaign ID (found in your URL when in the Kindful Dashboard and viewing the desired campaign) and map these together.

QuickBooks Online users: If you use the Kindful to QBO connector, the Designation field must be filled in on Kindful donations in order for them to sync over. Kindful has 3 ways of filling the Designation field:

  • with the Default Designation associated with the Campaign of the donation,
  • with the Default Designation associated with the Fund of the donation,
  • or manually.

Make sure your mappings result in donations getting the Designation field filled out when they sync over!

Define exceptions with Special Rules

If you need to do any special mapping you can do that here. For example, you'd like your Fundraise Up Giving Tuesday campaign to map to Kindful Special Giving Days fund. We'll automatically pull in all of the campaigns or funds available in Kindful so you can choose from the list.

Sync your historical data

Once you chose to Enable Automatic Sync, all new donations will have started coming over to your Kindful account, generating records as applicable.

How do you get past donations and supporter data in? What about changes that've been made to your mappings; how do you get that new data in?

For scenarios like those, we offer the ability of manual sync that'll add any new records and update any previously synced ones.

Enable or Pause Automatic Sync

This button will show you the available option for the automatic sync:

  • if the automatic sync is currently paused, it'll show you an option to enable it so that future donations automatically sync into Kindful,
  • and if the automatic sync is currently enabled, it'll show you an option to pause it so that future donations aren't automatically synced into Kindful.

Start manual sync

Use this button to sync live or test donations from Fundraise Up into Kindful. You have the option to import all donations or select specific donation types and choose a date range. This mass sync feature will not sync test donations.

Once you click Start sync, the sync will begin.

Refreshing the page and scrolling back down to the footer will show you the progress/results of that latest manually-started sync.

Donation types:

  • Unsynced live donations: This category includes live donations facing synchronization issues (such as failed last synchronization events) and donations that haven't been synchronized before.
  • All live donations: Synchronization of all live donations regardless of their current synchronization status.
  • All test donations: Synchronization of all test donations.


This will remove all syncing between the two platforms. If you connect that same account again in the future, we'll remember your settings.