How to create Upgrade Links

Select the ideal option for your organization to generate Upgrade Links for your supporters.

There are four ways to create Upgrade Links:

  • Using the built-in tool in the Fundraise Up Dashboard.
  • Through CRM mapping.
  • Using the export option in the Dashboard.
  • Manually.
If your organization uses Mailchimp to send emails to your supporters, use the Mailchimp Upgrade Links instructions.

Built-in Dashboard tool

Link copied

This option is preferable if you want to select specific recurring plan for the upgrade, as it provides you with the Upgrade Link directly from the Dashboard. To use this option, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to the Recurring tab in your Dashboard.
  2. Click on a specific recurring plan.
  3. Check the information:
    • The Installment amount shows the current donation amount.
    • The Fee covered indicates whether the transaction costs are covered.
  4. Choose your option:
    • Click the Offer an increase button to suggest a higher donation amount.
    • Click the Offer covering button, available only if the fee is not covered.

    These options are only available for active recurring plans.

  5. After clicking a button, a window will open displaying a ready-to-use Upgrade Link. Copy this link for distribution.

Alternatively, click the Offer plan upgrade button located in the top right corner of the page.

Upgrade Links created through this method are generated with a hash function, meaning they do not require additional confirmation of the donor's identity by email.

CRM mapping

Link copied

If your account is integrated with a CRM, you can use the mapping feature in the Fundraise Up Dashboard to automatically deliver the Upgrade Links to your CRM.

  1. Go to the Integrations page in your Dashboard and select the CRM. This will open the Fundraise Up integration settings page for your CRM.
  2. Go to the Mapping rules tab and click Add rule. A select entity drop-down menu will appear in the Fundraise Up column on the left.
  3. Select recurring. A select field drop-down menu will then appear.
  4. Select amount upgrade link to upgrade the main donation amount, or cost coverage upgrade link to upgrade for cost coverage.

  5. In the right column, choose the corresponding entity and field to map the data to your CRM.
  6. Click Save changes. The Upgrade Links will then be automatically added to your CRM.
Upgrade Links are only generated if the recurring plan is active. If an Upgrade Link is not available for a specific recurring donation, the fields amount upgrade link and cost coverage upgrade link will be exported as empty.

Upgrade Links created through this method are generated with a hash function, meaning they do not require additional confirmation of the donor's identity via email.

When mapping Upgrade Links in your CRM, consider linking the Upgrade Links not directly to the supporter or contact in the CRM but rather to the specific donation or recurring plan. This approach is particularly important if a supporter has multiple active recurring donations. By doing so, you can maintain accurate associations and manage the Upgrade Links more effectively.

Once the Upgrade Links are mapped to the donation or recurring plan in your CRM, you can then pass this information to the supporter or contact using your CRM’s built-in functionality.

Export option

Link copied

You can export your recurring plans along with their Upgrade Links in a single file.

  1. Go to the Exports page in your Dashboard.
  2. Select the Templates tab.
  3. Click the New template button.
  4. In the Export type drop-down menu select New recurring plans.
  5. Optionally, specify which frequencies and campaigns you want to include. For example, you might want to upsell only monthly and weekly donors, or only quarterly donors from last year’s Giving Tuesday campaign.
  6. Go to the File columns tab and use the Quick search field to find and add Recurring Amount Upgrade Link or Recurring Cost Coverage Upgrade Link.

  7. We also recommend adding the Recurring ID field to make it easier to identify upgrade links. This is especially useful if a supporter has multiple active recurring plans.
  8. Click on the results to add them to your export file, then click Save changes at the bottom of the page.
  9. Open the file and delete all recurring plans that do not have links associated with them.
Upgrade Links created through this method are generated with a hash function, meaning they do not require additional confirmation of the donor's identity by email.

Manual creation

Link copied

You can also create Upgrade Links manually, although this method is the most time-consuming of the options mentioned earlier. It is also the only way to create links without a hash function.

To create an Upgrade Link, you will need the following information:

  • Your organization’s Basic link for upgrade. You can find this in the Dashboard by going to Settings > Recurring plans > Upgrade Links. Only users with the Organization Administrator role can access this page.
Basic link is based on your Donor Portal URL. To change it, go to the Donor Portal in Settings.
  • To create Upgrade Links with a hash function, you will also need the Secret key, which can be found on the same page, beneath the Basic link section.
  • The Recurring ID of the plan you want to upgrade, along with the supporter’s Supporter ID. You can bulk export these IDs from the Dashboard.
    How to export the Recurring ID and Supporter ID.

Recurring amount upgrade

2  ?recurring=[RecurringID]
3  &supporter=[SupporterID]

Each of these three elements is put together in sequence.


Example of a main donation Upgrade Link.

Cost coverage upgrade

2  ?mode=covering_costs
3  &recurring=[RecurringID]
4  &supporter=[SupporterID]

These four elements are put together in sequence to create the link.


Example of a cost coverage Upgrade Link.

Recurring amount upgrade

2  ?recurring=[RecurringID]
3  &supporter=[SupporterID]
4  &signature=[Signature]

How to construct a main donation Upgrade Link with a hash function.


Example of a main donation Upgrade Link with a hash function.

Cost coverage upgrade

2  ?mode=covering_costs
3  &recurring=[RecurringID]
4  &supporter=[SupporterID]
5  &signature=[Signature]

How to construct a cost coverage Upgrade Link with a hash function.


An example of a cost coverage Upgrade Link with a hash function.


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