Create Upgrade Links manually

Learn how to create non-hash Upgrade Links.

This article is a step-by-step guide to creating Upgrade Links to send to your supporters.

If your organization uses Mailchimp to send emails to your supporters, use the Mailchimp Upgrade Links instructions.

These are instructions on how to create standard links, without hash functions. When a supporter clicks a non-hash link (created as per the instructions in this article) and increases their donation, they’ll need to then also confirm the increase by clicking Confirm in an email that will be sent to them automatically.

Step 1: Gather the information you need

Link copied

You need the following information to create an Upgrade Link:

  • Your organization’s Basic link for upgrade. Find this in the Dashboard by going to Settings Recurring plans Upgrade Links. Please note: your basic link is taken from your Donor Portal URL. To change it, go to Donor Portal in the settings side menu.
  • The Recurring ID of the recurring plan you’re planning to offer an increase on, as well as the supporter’s Supporter ID. These can be easily exported en masse from the Dashboard.
    How to export your recurring supporters’ Recurring ID and Supporter ID.

Main donation upgrade

2  ?recurring=[RecurringID]
3  &supporter=[SupporterID]

How to construct a main donation Upgrade Link. Each of these three elements is put together in sequence.


An example of a main donation Upgrade Link.

Cost coverage upgrade

2  ?mode=covering_costs
3  &recurring=[RecurringID]
4  &supporter=[SupporterID]

How to construct a cost coverage Upgrade Link. These four elements are put together in sequence to create the link.


An example of a cost coverage Upgrade Link.


In this article