Donor Portal

Learn about the Donor Portal and how to configure it for your organization.

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The Donor Portal is a self-service dashboard where your supporters can manage their fundraisers and recurring plans, view their donation history, and update their profile information. Donors access the Donor Portal using a secure magic link, which is emailed to them each time they want to view their dashboard. The approach removes the need for supporters to maintain login credentials that can be easily forgotten. The Donor Portal is automatically enabled for all supporters and cannot be disabled from the Dashboard.

Take a look: Donor Portal demo

There are four objects that surface properties in Donor Portal. Some of the values for these properties can be modified by the supporter. These modifiable properties are listed below:

Object Properties
Donations Status, donation amount, donation date, payment method, comment, PDF receipt
Recurring Status, donation amount, next payment (date), payment method, comment, cover transaction costs, frequency, installment charge date
Supporters First name, last name, email
P2P fundraisers Total raised, page views, donations, goal, goal date, display name, fundraiser photo, personal message, end date, role (group)

When a supporter makes changes to any of the above properties in their Donor Portal, the changes are also reflected in the Fundraise Up Dashboard.

The Donor Portal is configured from the Donor Portal page in your Fundraise Up Dashboard settings. Visit the Donor Portal settings guide to learn more.

The Donor Portal throughout the platform

Because various features are represented in Donor Portal, settings that apply to the Donor Portal can often be found elsewhere in the Dashboard. For example, some of their customization options for P2P fundraisers are configured from the P2P-related sections of the campaign’s settings.

Users with the Organization Administrator, Campaign Administrator, and Support Specialist roles can access the Donor Portal through the Open Donor Portal button on the Supporter page.