Recurring donations

Settings for the Recurring donations section of Donor Portal

The Recurring donation section of the Donor Portal lets supporters manage any recurring plans that they have with your organization. If no recurring plans exist, this section is hidden.

Each recurring plan item displays the donation amount, next installment date, and payment method of the recurring plan.

Selecting an item in the list of recurring plans will open the page for the recurring plan’s settings.

The settings page for a recurring plan includes details about the plan, a summary of past installments, a Give more button that supporters can use to increase their donation amount, and an option to edit the payment details for the plan.

Recurring plan statuses

On the index page of the Donor Portal and on the pages of each recurring plan. There are three main statuses that a recurring plan can have:

  • Active: the recurring plan is actively charging installments.
    • Scheduled: the recurring plan has been paused by the supporter for a period of between 1 and 12 months.
    • Retrying: the last installment could not be successfully charged. Fundraise Up will attempt to charge the installment based on the retry behavior setting configured in the Dashboard.
  • Cancelled: the recurring plan was cancelled by the supporter or an account user with a role that allows them to manage recurring plans.
  • Failed: Fundraise Up is unable to charge installments for the recurring plan. This status is automatically set by the retry behavior settings configured in the Dashboard.

Editing payment details

When a supporter selects the Edit payment details option for a recurring plan, a modal with payment settings is launched. From this modal, a supporter can change the amount of their donation, opt-in or out of covering transaction costs for the donation, modify the plan’s frequency, charge date, and payment method.

Most payment methods can be toggled from this modal, which gives supporters the flexibility to move their recurring plan from one payment method to another. Changes made to a recurring plan’s payment details in Donor Portal are immediately reflected in the Dashboard.

The recurring plan frequency options available in Donor Portal are set by the Supported frequencies configured in the Fundraise Up Dashboard.

Contact details

The supporter can view their phone number and mailing address. They can also edit these details, provided the Donor can edit their personal information checkbox is enabled in the Donor Portal settings. Any changes made by the supporter will be reflected in your integrated CRM services shortly thereafter. If a mailing address and/or phone number are required for the campaign associated with that donation, the supporter will not be able to delete them. Changes made here will apply to the selected recurring donation only, and not any other recurring plans the supporter might have.

Donation history

Similar to the Donation history section displayed on the Donor Portal index page, each recurring plan shows a filtered list of past installments for the selected recurring plan in a table view. Each installment entry in the table includes tools for viewing the donation’s details.

Cancelling a recurring plan

Each recurring plan page in the Donor Portal includes an option for cancelling the plan. The settings for handling cancellations are described in the main Donor Portal documentation under "Recurring donation settings.”


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