
Learn about Localization settings in Fundraise Up.

Fundraise Up’s localization tools let you translate your donor experience into more than 20 languages. From the Localization page in your organization’s main Settings, you can configure the languages you want to support, and choose default settings for which supporters will see which languages.

Language localizations are only available for supporter-facing texts (checkout, emails etc.). Organization-facing parts of the Fundraise Up platform, like our Dashboard, are always displayed in American English.

Default language

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The default language setting determines which language is shown first when you’re editing customizable content in your Dashboard. The default language is also used when a supporter’s preferred language cannot be detected.

UI languages

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This section determines which languages your Organization’s campaigns can potentially display their Campaigns, Elements and Donor Portal in.

Within each campaign, you will then be able to select which languages that campaign can appear in (out of the languages you’ve enabled in your main settings) by going to Localization in the campaign’s side menu.

Labels in your Checkout modal, Campaign Page, Elements and Donor Portal will be automatically shown in the appropriate language. For editable content (e.g. email content), you can input your own texts for each language, or use the default localized content you see.

We offer interface localization into the following languages:

Arabic (World) Hungarian
Chinese (Traditional) Italian
Chinese (Simplified) Japanese
Danish Korean
Dutch Norwegian
English (Canada) Polish
English (United Kingdom) Portuguese (Brazil)
English (United States) Portuguese (Portugal)
Finnish Russian
French (Canada) Spanish/Spanish (US)
French (France) Swedish

Determining which language the supporter sees

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You can configure which language Fundraise Up will show to each supporter in the supporter interface by using the three checkboxes below the UI languages checkboxes. There are three options you can apply:

  • Determine the donor's preferred language from their browser settings: this means Fundraise Up will localize the Checkout, Elements, and Donor Portal to the visitor’s preferred language in their browser.
  • Determine the donor's preferred language from the site URL they visit: You can input the URLs of pages that should be automatically localized to a specific language. Note that this option does not apply to Campaign Pages, only to your Checkout modals. See the below example:
URL Language to display
https://mycharity.org/es Spanish
https://mycharity.org/donate/norway Norwegian
When matching URLs to languages, you can use Wildcard values (*). These can be used to assign a language to an entire website or directory. So, if you want your Japanese supporters to see https://mycharity.org/ja in Japanese, and to be able to click through to more Japanese-language pages, enter the URL as https://mycharity.org/ja*. Then, if your users click through to other URLs, for example https://mycharity.org/ja/aboutus, this will also be in Japanese.
  • Set language from _lang parameter and window._langJavascript variable: This option localizes the donor experience based on the website’s URL structure or JavaScript configuration, with URL parameters taking precedence. This option is selected by default and cannot be disabled or overruled by URL configurations or browser preferences. To add this parameter to a Campaign Page, add ?_lang=(languagecode) to the URL, where (languagecode) is the HTML ISO code of the language you want to display, which should already be enabled in your Dashboard settings — for example, https://mycharity.org/aboutus?_lang=es would show Spanish.

If all three of these checkboxes are checked, here’s the order they’re prioritized in:

  1. First is the URL parameter: this overrides everything else.
  2. Second is the window._langJavascript variable, if no URL parameter was included.
  3. Third is the URL configurations added by you in the Dashboard. They’re prioritized from top to bottom, if there’s any overlap.
  4. If the language wasn’t detected by either of those three, the supporter’s browser preference will be used to determine their preferred language.
  5. If the language cannot be detected at all, or if a preference is detected for a language you haven’t enabled in your main settings, the supporter will see everything in your organization’s chosen default language.

Email languages

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Fundraise Up includes a separate checklist of languages for emails in your organization’s main settings. Selecting languages here means you can then take advantage of our pre-localized email content, including receipts, for each language in your campaigns.

You can send emails to supporters in the following languages:

Arabic Italian
Chinese Japanese
Danish Korean
Dutch Norwegian
English Polish
Finnish Portuguese
French Russian
German Spanish
Hungarian Swedish
Unlike interface localization, email localization doesn’t allow for region-specific dialects (e.g. US English and UK English).

Localization throughout the platform

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The organization’s main localization options are set here, on the organization’s main Settings page. You can find more specific localization settings for individual Elements, Campaigns and much more in other parts of the platform.

Explore localization in other areas of the platform:

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Campaigns •


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