
Learn how to integrate with Hubspot for better centralized CRM.

Connecting Fundraise Up to HubSpot will allow you to automatically or manually sync new donations as Deals.

Those Deals will be automatically associated with a Contact: either an existing Contact matched based on provided contact information or a new Contact if a match is not found.

When connected to HubSpot, the integration will create a new "Fundraise Up Donations" pipeline for these deals and a new "Recurring Plan" Custom Object. As such, you must have available pipeline in HubSpot to use this integration.

All Deals made by the integration will be put in that pipeline, and all Deals that represent donations associated with recurring plans in Fundraise Up will get associated with a commensurate Recurring Plan record in HubSpot.


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  • You must have at least one available pipeline in addition to the core HubSpot system pipeline. This means you need a minimum of two pipelines on your HubSpot plan, ensuring that at least one of them is not currently in use.
  • You need HubSpot Enterprise for full functionality (including to sync recurring donation plans to HubSpot).
Fundraise Up cannot support HubSpot integration issues for nonprofits using only HubSpot Free tools. This tier is too limited to enable proper data transmission from Fundraise Up to HubSpot.

Choose HubSpot on the Integrations page in Settings

In your Fundraise Up dashboard, click your org's name in the top right, click Settings, and in the left-hand menu of your Settings area, choose Integrations.

On the Integrations page, click Add integration and choose HubSpot from the available options to be directed to the HubSpot Integration page.

Connect your HubSpot Account

Clicking the Connect HubSpot button will take you to a HubSpot screen, where you'll first log in if you haven't already in this browser, and then choose your HubSpot account to connect.

Reviewing the Settings

The Integration is paused when first connected - once you're happy with your Integration's setup, don't forget to scroll to the bottom and click the Enable Automatic Sync button so that new donations start syncing in real-time!

The only mandatory fields are Deal Name (which will be pre-filled with a sensible value) and Match Contact (which will default to "by email"), so definitely review what's selected in those fields and click the Save Changes button in the General Settings section prior to clicking the Enable Automatic Sync button.

We recommend reviewing the other settings available to ensure that records are getting created in HubSpot exactly as you'd like.

Customize the integration

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Now that you've connected your HubSpot Integration, you can customize it further and start automatically syncing donations from your HubSpot Integration settings page, available by clicking into Settings > Integrations HubSpot.

Review the Integration's default behavior + Enable Automatic Sync

Once you Enable Automatic Sync from the bottom of the HubSpot Integration settings screen, the integration's sync will run after every successful donation made via Fundraise Up, including for installments of recurring donation plans.

To the extent that we can, we seek to make our CRM Integrations fill in every standardized field and create every standardized record that's expected.


The integration makes Deals in HubSpot to represent all Donations, and fills in certain key fields by default like Amount and Close Date.

The record name of the Deal is governed by the Deal Name text field in the integration's General Settings tab.

These Deals are automatically put in the appropriate Stage of a Pipeline called "Fundraise Up Donations", which the integration makes in your HubSpot account at the time of connection.


When a Donation is synced in and creates a Deal in HubSpot, the integration attempts to find an existing Contact based on your "Match Contact" setting, for which the possible values are:

  • By Email
  • Name and Phone
  • Name and Address

If it does find a matching Contact, it associates the Gift with that Contact. If it doesn't, it makes a new Contact, and associates the Gift with the new Contact.

In both cases, we update any stock personal or contact information fields for which the Donation had updated information, such as name, email address and email mailing list opt-in status, phone number, and physical address.

Recurring Plans

The integration makes Recurring Plans in HubSpot to represent any synced Recurring Plan. Recurring Plan is a Custom Object we make in your HubSpot account at the time the integration is connected.

Any Deals made in HubSpot that represent installments of a Fundraise Up Recurring Plan get associated with the corresponding Recurring Plan in HubSpot.

Set your defaults using General Settings & Mapping Rules

The HubSpot Integration page has four sections:

  • the header, which shows you what account you connected,
  • the tabbed area, which lets you set your sync behavior,
  • the sync log, which shows you records that've synced into HubSpot,
  • and the footer, with options to run historical syncs or deactivate this Integration.

It's good to start in the tabbed area (with tabs labeled General Settings, Mapping Rules, and Special Rules) so that you can cover your most common donation scenarios. Any changes you make in any of the tabbed sections are not saved until you hit the Save Changes button at the bottom of that area.

Look over your General Settings

The screen will have the General Settings tab open by default.

Within General Settings, you'll find a few checkboxes and a few dropdowns. There's only one required field in this area (Match Contact), and it's filled in with the most common selection by default.

Checkbox options:

Text field options:

  • Deal name

Dropdown options:

  • Match contact:
    • This is set to "By Email" by default, and that's our recommended best practice, as people have names, addresses, and phone numbers in common more regularly, and change them more often. Setting this value to "By Email, in our experience, results in the least amount of account deduplication required.
  • Subscription type (optional):
    • HubSpot uses subscription types to store what types of communication a contact has or has not consented to receive. This dropdown allows you to control which subscription type we update on Contacts based off the donation's mailing list response.

Make some Mapping Rules

The second tab in is labeled Mapping Rules - it allows you to make 1-to-1 mappings of fields in Fundraise Up to fields in HubSpot.

As covered above, some mappings are already built-in by default (i.e. donation amount to donation amount), so this area is really for defining what additional things should be true most of the time.

To add a rule here, you'll click the Add Rule button to start choosing what Fundraise Up object the mapping should start with.

You can modify existing rules by clicking on any of the object or field buttons that represent the mapping, or delete them by clicking the grey x on the right-hand side of that rule's row.

When talking about mappings, we'll follow the format:

Object in Fundraise Up: Field in Fundraise Up -> Object in HubSpot: Field in HubSpot

The available Fundraise Up entities to map data from are:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Designation
  • Donation
  • Recurring
  • Checkout Question
  • Custom Field
  • UTM Parameter
  • Static Value
    • This allows you to enter a specific value to pass in for every Donation.

The available HubSpot entities to map data to are:

  • Contact
  • Deal

Sync your historical data

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Once you chose to Enable Automatic Sync, all new donations will have started coming over to your HubSpot account, generating records as applicable.

How do you get past donations and supporter data in? What about changes that've been made to your mappings; how do you get that new data in?

For scenarios like those, we offer the ability of manual sync that'll add any new records and update any previously synced ones.

Enable or Pause Automatic Sync

This button will show you the available option for the automatic sync:

  • if the automatic sync is currently paused, it'll show you an option to enable it so that future donations automatically sync into HubSpot,
  • and if the automatic sync is currently enabled, it'll show you an option to pause it so that future donations aren't automatically synced into HubSpot.

Start manual sync

Use this button to sync live or test donations from Fundraise Up into HubSpot. You have the option to import all donations or select specific donation types and choose a date range. This mass sync feature will not sync test donations.

Once you click Start sync, the sync will begin.

Refreshing the page and scrolling back down to the footer will show you the progress/results of that latest manually-started sync.

Donation types:

  • Unsynced live donations: This category includes live donations facing synchronization issues (such as failed last synchronization events) and donations that haven't been synchronized before.
  • All live donations: Synchronization of all live donations regardless of their current synchronization status.
  • All test donations: Synchronization of all test donations.


This will remove all syncing between the two platforms. If you connect that same account again in the future, we'll remember your settings.


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