
Learn more about how to add and use sub accounts for your organization.

Fundraise Up allows you to create multiple subaccounts within your main “parent” account, allowing you to have multiple co-existing accounts with customized settings and configurations.

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Enabling subaccounts

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To request the option to create subaccounts for your account, please email with your request. Requests are reviewed and approved on a per-case basis and available at no additional cost.

Creating and editing subaccounts

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From that Subaccounts page of your Dashboard settings, you can click the Create subaccount button to generate new subaccounts, during which you'll specify:

  • Subaccount name: the main name for that subaccount.
  • Subaccount code: an internal identifier for that subaccount.

There’s also a checkbox labeled Use parent’s payment methods and receipt. If unchecked, the subaccount can establish its own payment methods, destination accounts, and PDF receipt options.

For existing subaccounts, you can click the three-dot menu to reopen this modal and modify properties.

Reviewing each subaccount's settings

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Once subaccounts exist, you can navigate to them either via the dropdown menu you get when clicking your name in the top-right corner of the Dashboard, or by going to the Subaccount area of your Dashboard settings, clicking the three-dot menu, and selecting Login.

Subaccounts have their own separate campaigns and Elements.

When in a subaccount, you can access that subaccount's settings via the usual dropdown. From there, you can control everything permitted on the subaccount level.

One area of particular note is the number of users in the Team column. If there are users of your Fundraise Up account who should only be able to see data for one single subaccount and not any other subaccounts or your organization's parent account, make sure to add them from the Users page while in that subaccount's settings.

As mentioned earlier, you would only see Payment methods and Receipt if the Use parent’s payment methods and receipt checkbox was unchecked for that subaccount.

Working with data from all your accounts

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All of our dashboard's filtersexports, and CRM integrations allow the inclusion or exclusion of subaccount donation and supporter data, as well as donation and supporter data directly provided to your overall account.

Subaccounts also offer the same options to filter, export, and use integrations, so that each individual subaccount can pass along their pertinent data to other systems they use.


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Donor Portal and supporters

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Subaccounts are meant to support separated account activity. As such, each subaccount, and the parent account itself, have separate Donor Portals and lists of supporters. Please be aware that if a person has donated to or started a fundraiser for more than one of your accounts, when they log into one account's Donor Portal using the links in their emails, it will take them to that subaccount's Donor Portal and will not show them their activity on other related accounts.

Single website vs multiple websites

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The principal front-end limitation of parent and child subaccount structure is if you are using one website for the parent account and all of the subaccounts, then you should deploy the parent account installation code to every page's <head> section. That still allows transactions and a lot of account activity into subaccounts, but it does curtail some options as follows.


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When adding Elements, you'll be able to add any of the subaccounts' embedded Elements on any page where that subaccount or the parent account's installation code is running.

However, global Elements (such as reminders and sticky buttons) from specific subaccounts will only show on pages running that subaccount's installation code specifically.


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Similarly, if a page is running the parent account's installation code, that also means that you'll only able to use vanity URLs with the URL API (e.g. ?form=donate vs ?form=FUNXXXXX) for any campaigns that belong to the parent account.

For any subaccounts' campaigns where you want to open checkout via URL API, you would then need to use the static ID (e.g. ?form=FUNXXXXX) since having the same vanity URL across various accounts would cause a conflict.


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