Where does Fundraise Up data reside?
Fundraise Up uses cloud-based technologies. This means that the data reside in different places simultaneously. This is the core benefit of cloud computing, as it creates a more elastic, robust, and dependable infrastructure.
For detailed information on our data centers in the USA, visit this and this pages. You'll find more details about the facilities where we securely host and protect data.
Fundraise Up complies with the CRA requirement by having data centers in Canada. You can verify this by viewing the related location.
Feel free to click on this link to find out more about the specific European location (Data Center Park Falkenstein, Germany) where our data is stored. Additionally, we leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS) with data securely stored in the eu-central-1 region.
Our data in the UK is also housed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), specifically in the eu-west-2 region.