Setting the statement descriptor in Fundraise Up

How will donations appear on my donors' bank statements?

Donations via Fundraise Up will appear on your donor's bank statements using the descriptor you set up in your payment processor.


Stripe makes it quick and easy to modify your statement descriptor by providing the field to edit it available directly under your Stripe's Account Settings. Their only requirements are that it be intelligible and clear, and check on the following criteria:

If Stripe reviews your account and we believe your statement descriptor could lead to customer confusion, we might reach out and ask you to update it to something more recognizable.

Why do one-time donations sometimes show on donor's bank statements as recurring?

Different banks interpret the data sent by Stripe in different ways! There are some banks that look at the fields that show whether Stripe technically has a customer record that holds payment information (i.e. "is this associated with a re-billable payment method"), and if so, they show a donation as recurring. In those cases, clearing up with donors as to whether they have any current Recurring Plans or not is the best way to handle this. Stripe has more information on this bank display discrepancy in their help materials.


PayPal offers similar tools to modify your business name for statements, but the option is buried a bit further in their menus - please reference the linked article for steps to find and modify it. They also offer the following guidance on what it can include:

Don’t enter special characters such as &, #, ().Your business name could be displayed on your customers’ credit card statement after the word PayPal *. For example (PayPal *SELLER NAME).

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