Fundraisers FAQ

1. Why can't I find certain Campaigns when creating a Fundraiser or Element?

Campaigns with cryptocurrency payments enabled are currently not available for Fundraiser creation.

2. How do I record offline donations?

Organization users can add offline donation amounts and quantities directly through the Fundraiser page in the dashboard.

3. How to remove a Fundraiser?

While Fundraisers cannot be deleted, you can pause them to prevent new donations. When paused, visitors to the Fundraiser link will be automatically redirected to the Fundraiser’s general Campaign donation page.

4. What happens when Fundraiser goals are met?

Fundraisers remain active even after reaching their goal amount or goal date. The goal date serves as a motivational deadline to encourage donations rather than a cutoff point.

5. Can donations be transferred between Fundraisers?

For donation integrity, transfers are not possible between different Fundraisers, between Fundraisers and their general Campaigns, or between general Campaigns and Fundraisers. All donations remain permanently associated with their original destination.

6. Why aren't recent donations showing on my Fundraiser?

Recent donations will appear on your Fundraiser's campaign page only when the Supporter Impact feature is enabled in Campaign Page settings and at least 3 non-anonymous donations have been made to the Fundraiser.

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