Why is my integration paused?
If you've recently connected an integration between our platform and your CRM, you may have noticed that the integration is paused by default. This is because the automatic synchronization feature is turned off, which gives organizations time to set up the necessary settings before beginning the transfer of data to the CRM.
Pausing the integration by default is designed to provide organizations with greater control over the data that gets synced with their CRM. With this feature, you can ensure that the integration is set up correctly and that only the right data is transferred to your CRM.
After you've set up your integration settings, you can easily enable automatic synchronization. However, if you received any donations while the automatic sync was paused, you may need to manually sync them to your CRM. To do this, you can use the "Synchronize" button located below the integration settings. This will allow you to sync some or all historical donations over a specific period of time.