Does my organization need to be a registered 501(c)(3) charity to use Fundraise Up?
Fundraise Up is designed primarily for 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, but we recognize that not all donation-accepting entities fall into this category. Organizations awaiting 501(c)(3) approval can use Fundraise Up during their application process. Other nonprofit entities, such as 501(c)(4) organizations, may also use the platform. Even non-nonprofit entities that accept donations can utilize Fundraise Up, though certain considerations apply.
All payment method options and features within Fundraise Up are available to all organizations, regardless of their tax status. This ensures that every organization can fully leverage our platform's capabilities to meet their fundraising needs.
Non-501(c)(3) organizations should be aware of certain settings and language used in the platform. Fundraise Up often refers to donations and their tax-deductible status, which may not apply to all organizations. To address this, organizations should ensure they have mentions of tax deductions disabled by unchecking the tax-exempt checkbox under Settings > Account.
While Fundraise Up is accessible to various types of organizations, Stripe's nonprofit pricing is exclusively available to 501(c)(3) organizations.