Does the Fundraise Up platform fee qualify for Gift Aid?

As a donation platform, Fundraise Up charges a platform fee to process donations made through our checkout. If you're a charity using Fundraise Up to collect donations, you may be wondering whether the platform fee is eligible for Gift Aid, a UK tax incentive that allows charities to claim back tax on donations made by UK taxpayers.

The answer is yes! As a charitable expenditure, the Fundraise Up platform fee is eligible for Gift Aid, and the gross amount of the donation is eligible for the program. Here's the link to official HM Revenue & Customs guidance confirming such position, which can help you maximize your fundraising efforts and make the most of your donors' contributions.

It's worth noting that Gift Aid can only be claimed on donations made by UK taxpayers, and donors must provide their name and address and confirm that they have paid enough tax to cover the amount of Gift Aid claimed. The charity must also be registered with HM Revenue & Customs and have a valid Gift Aid reference number to claim Gift Aid on eligible donations.

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