How to map a donation’s payment method to the NPSP Payments object
If your organization uses the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) with Salesforce, you may want to map the payment method used to make a donation in Fundraise Up to the Payment method field on the NPSP Payments object.
Since the Payment Method field on the Payments object is a selected from a predefined set of values, it is necessary to create a custom field on the Opportunity object that includes all of the possible payment method options in Fundraise Up.
Follow the steps below to map a donation’s payment method to the NPSP Payments object.
Part 1: Create a picklist value set
Before creating a custom field on the Opportunity object, you should first create a picklist value set in Salesforce. This way, you can reuse the list of payment methods in other areas of Salesforce.
- In Salesforce, navigate to: Setup > Objects and Fields (In the “Platform Tools” section) > Picklist Value Sets
- Select New
- Set the Label value to Payment method
- Set the Name value to Payment method
- Add the following values to the Values textarea input:
- Credit card
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- PayPal
- Venmo
- Plaid
- Click to Pay
- BECS Direct Debit
- Stock
- Crypto
- Optional: Select the Display values alphabetically, not in the order entered option
- Select Save
Part 2: Create the custom field
Now that you have created a picklist value set, you will create the custom payment methods field on the Opportunity object.
- In Salesforce, navigate to: Setup > Objects and Fields (In the “Platform Tools” section) > Object Manager > Opportunity > Fields & Relationships. Then, follow the steps below
- Select New
- Select Picklist as the data type
- Set the Field Label to Payment method
- For the Values property, select Use global picklist value set
- From the select menu, choose Payment method as the global picklist to use
- Set Field name to Payment method
- Set the Auto add to custom report type value to Add this field to existing custom report types that contain this entity
- Select Next
- Confirm the field-level security settings and then select Next
- Confirm the page layouts where the new custom field should be shown and then select Save
Part 3: Mapping the custom field to the NPSP Payments object
So far, you have created a custom picklist for payment method values and attached it to a new custom payment methods field on the Opportunity. You will now map the values from the payment methods field on the Opportunity object to the Payment Methods field on the NPSP Payments object.
- In Salesforce, launch the Nonprofit Success Pack
- Select NPSP Settings
- Select Donations
- Select Payment Mappings
- Select New Payment Field Mapping
- From the Opportunity Field selector, choose Payment method
- From the Payment Field selector, choose Payment Method
- Select Create Custom Mapping
Part 4: Create a payment method mapping rule in Fundraise Up
Now that you’ve configured fields and mappings in Salesforce, you will configure a mapping rule in Fundraise Up to set the payment method value for the Opportunity object field.
- In Fundraise Up, view the Salesforce integration settings.
- Select Mapping rules
- Select Add rule
- For the Fundraise Up mapping, select the donation entity
- Select the payment method field
- For the Salesforce mapping, select the opportunity entity
- Select the payment method field
Wrapping up
In Fundraise Up, you created a mapping rule that syncs the payment method used at checkout to a custom payment method field on the Opportunity object in Salesforce. That field uses a global picklist of all available payment methods in Fundraise Up.
To sync the payment method field from the Opportunity object to the custom NPSP Payments object, you used NPSP’s built-in payments mapping tool to connect the payment method field on the Opportunity object to the payment method field on the NPSP Payments object.