PayPal's IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Warning

PayPal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a service that sends real-time notifications to merchants about events related to their PayPal transactions. These notifications can include information about:

  • Completed payments
  • Refunds
  • Disputes
  • Other transaction-related events

IPN allows merchants to automate their back-end processes and keep their systems synchronized with their PayPal account activity.

Fundraise Up and PayPal IPN

It's important to note that Fundraise Up does not utilize PayPal's IPN service for its integration with PayPal. If you receive an IPN notification warning email from PayPal, it is likely triggered by another third-party tool or service that interacts with your PayPal account and is not related to your Fundraise Up account.

Additional Resources

For more information about PayPal IPN and related warnings, refer to the following resources:

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