How is the end date of a recurring donation calculated?

At Fundraise Up, we use a straightforward formula to determine the end date of a recurring donation. The calculation is based on the date of the initial donation and the frequency selected by the supporter.

For weekly-based donations (including weekly, bi-weekly, and 4-weekly):

  • The next payment occurs on the same day of the week as the initial donation.
  • For example, if the first donation was made on a Wednesday, subsequent donations will be processed on Wednesdays according to the chosen frequency.

For monthly-based donations (including monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual):

  • The donation is processed on the same date each month, every two months, every three months, every six months, or every year, depending on the chosen frequency.
  • If the initial donation date doesn't exist in a subsequent month (e.g., January 31st), the donation will be processed on the last day of that month (e.g., February 28th or 29th).
  • This rule applies to all monthly-based frequencies, ensuring consistent processing even for longer intervals like quarterly, semi-annual, or annual donations.

If a supporter modifies their recurring donation, such as changing the frequency, the end date will be recalculated based on the new settings, maintaining the same day-of-week or day-of-month pattern from the initial donation date.

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