How to Refund Donations in Fundraise Up
Sometimes, it may be necessary to refund a donation made through Fundraise Up. Whether it's due to a supporter’s request or an administrative need, Fundraise Up provides a straightforward process for refunding donations directly from the dashboard.
Locating the Donation for Refund
To initiate a refund, you first need to navigate to the specific donation's page in the Fundraise Up dashboard. There are several ways to find the donation:
- Global Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top of the dashboard to quickly find the donation by entering the supporter's name, email address, or donation ID.
- Donations Tab: Go to the "Donations" tab in the dashboard and use the available filters to locate the donation you want to refund.
- Supporter Record: If you know the supporter's name or email address, you can search for their supporter record and find the donation from there.
- Recurring Plan: If the donation is part of a recurring plan, you can access it from the installments section of the corresponding recurring plan page.
Initiating the Refund
Once you're on the donation's page, follow these steps to initiate the refund:
- Click on the "Refund donation" button located in the top right corner of the page.
- A popup dialog will appear, providing important information about the refund process.
- If you're certain about proceeding with the refund, click the red "Refund donation" button in the popup dialog.
- Fundraise Up will initiate the refund process and send out a Refund email to the supporter based on the email template enabled for the campaign associated with the donation.
Refund Email and Receipt
As part of Fundraise Up's global receipting compliance, the Refund email sent to the supporter includes a PDF receipt that bears a "Canceled" stamp and is clearly marked with the date the refund was issued. This ensures that the supporter has a clear record of the refund for their records.
Refund Processing Time
The time it takes for the refunded funds to become available to the supporter depends on the payment method they used:
- Stripe: Refunds usually process within 5-10 business days.
- PayPal: Refunds can take up to 30 days to be fully processed.
Please keep these timeframes in mind when communicating with supporters about refunds.
Refund Reflection in Fundraise Up
Once the refund is initiated, the donation's status in the Fundraise Up dashboard will change to "Refunded," and the refund details, such as the refund date and amount, will be displayed on the donation's page. The refund will also be reflected in the relevant reports and analytics within the dashboard.