How to unsubscribe donors from Installment receipt email notifications?

Donors may prefer not to receive emails for every recurring donation installment. Our platform allows customization of email notification settings to accommodate different donor preferences at various levels. There are three levels of such settings: Global, Campaign, and Recurring Donation. No worries: they are easy to grasp! We’ll demonstrate to you with examples!

By default, all types of emails are set to Send when an organization account and campaign are created. Toggle this option to Do not send for the Installment receipt email notification to unsubscribe donors from subsequent installment emails.

Global settings

Disable these emails in your account's global settings by going to the Email section and selecting Do not send.

Changing global settings will also update campaign-level settings for all campaigns unless you've customized them in the specific campaign before.

Campaign settings

Go to the specific campaign, open the EMAILS tab, and choose the Installment receipt email. Select Do not send and save it, and all recurring donors for this campaign will not receive that kind of emails, regardless of global settings: campaign settings will take priority.

Recurring donation settings

If campaign settings have the Send option for Installment receipt emails, you can change notifications within the recurring plan record. Open the recurring plan and check the Email receipts field. By default, it's set to Opt-in. To change, click Edit and uncheck Opted into installment email receipts. After unchecking, you will see Opt-out in the Email receipts field, meaning the donor will not receive subsequent installment receipt emails. If emails were disabled at the campaign level, this field will not be available for changes, and you will not see it.


  • If Installment receipt emails are enabled globally and at the campaign level, the donor will receive these emails unless disabled in their recurring plan.
  • If these emails are enabled globally but disabled at the campaign level, the donor will not receive them, and this can not be changed in their recurring plan.
  • If these emails are disabled globally but enabled at the campaign level, the donor will receive them unless disabled in their recurring plan.

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