
Views and settings for managing your account.

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The Fundraise Up dashboard is the starting point for everything — your Fundraise Up homepage. The options along the top link you to various key parts of the Dashboard, as described below.


The Insights tab gives you a comprehensive overview of your fundraising metrics, helping you make data-driven decisions in your future fundraising. Learn more about Insights →


If you're going to be monitoring donations that have come in, and making new ones on supporters' behalf, you'll mostly be working out of the Donations tab, which offers a list showing donations made to your organization via Fundraise Up in real time.

Clicking on the row for a donation will take you to its record page, where you can review all information related to that donation. Additionally, this tab will also let you review + filter your view of all donations that have come in, export the donations to a spreadsheet, and use the Virtual Terminal to process donations using supporters' payment information. Learn more about the Donations tab →


Your organization already has some Campaigns set up; they can be reviewed from the Campaigns tab by clicking into each Campaign's row, and new Campaigns can be made by either cloning existing ones (often fastest when most details of the new one are the same as an existing one), or by clicking to make a brand new one. Learn more about the Campaigns tab →


Your organization is most likely using Elements to send supporters to its Campaigns to donate. Some Elements are dynamic, and give you animated buttons, forms, sliders, and more that can be embedded on your website. Some are more basic, generating links that you can use externally and internally to send supporters right to the donation checkout.

All of them are editable from the Elements tab of the dashboard, which is filterable to help you find the existing Elements you need, and create new ones by cloning existing ones or using our New Element button if needed. Learn more about Elements →


The P2P (peer-to-peer fundraising) tab shows all the fundraisers that have been created with an affiliation to your organization. Learn more about P2P fundraising →


As people set up regular donations, the system saves those details as a Recurring, available for review under the Recurring tab of the Dashboard. Like the others, this tab is filterable and exportable for easy reference to the specific recurring plan or plans you need. Learn more about the Recurring tab →


A supporter record is automatically created for anyone who makes a donation to your organization through Fundraise Up, creates a fundraiser affiliated with your organization, or initiates but does not complete a donation. This approach ensures that engagement is captured at various stages, providing opportunities for follow-up. You can view, filter, and find every supporter’s record in the Supporter tab, and click on a name to see the supporter record in full, including details of any initiated but unfinished donations.


From this tab, you can create and build customized export templates and download them to your device. Learn more about exports →


Clicking your organization's name in the top-right corner of the Dashboard will give you a dropdown that shows you a link to Settings, and the option to log out.

Choosing Settings from that dropdown will take you to your account information and preferences, and if you're an administrator, other options to control your organization's settings.


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