Audit Log

Learn about Audit Log in Fundraise Up.

Fundraise Up’s Audit Log provides your organization with a detailed history of all changes made to one-time donations, recurring plans, and your supporters, including historical data.

The Audit Log allows you to view and pinpoint changes made by staff, supporters and the system providing additional security and accountability. It also allows you to search and filter by different users and actions, and identify issues or trends in real time.

Access to the Audit Log

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The Audit Log is only visible to users with the Organization Administrator, Campaign Administrator and Support Specialist roles in Fundraise Up. Parent accounts will be able to see the history of changes made for all subaccounts.


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Search by ID, and filter to find specific events and initiators. When filtering by initiator, System indicates automatic events and events that are run by Fundraise Up (such as a scheduled installment of a recurring donation being charged).

Hover over the time to the right of the event to see the time in your timezone.

Click on an event to view the full record of the change, including the previous and new values (if applicable). You'll also see a unique Log ID for that event, which can be used to reference it later if needed.

Understanding event types

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Event type Event description
Donation created Creation of a charge (one-time or installment) to start the debit process.
Donation dispute created Opening a donation dispute.
Donation dispute in review The payment provider verifies the evidence provided by the organization.
Donation dispute lost The organization has lost the dispute.
Donation dispute won The organization has won the dispute.
Donation early fraud warning Payment provider warned of possible fraud.
Donation failed Charge failed due to inability to debit.
Donation pending The charge has been created on our side, but is awaiting a response from the payment provider.
Donation pending — waiting for the payment provider’s response We did not receive a response from the payment provider during the debit attempt. The charge will be processed later.
Donation pending — waiting for transfer We’re awaiting securities transfer from broker. Stock donation moved to pending status.
Donation pending — verification required Bank account is used as a payment method and needs to be verified. Charge moved to pending status.
Donation pending — PayPal action required PayPal is used as the payment method and manual approval is required on the payment provider side. Charge moved to pending status.
Donation refunded All funds, including our fee, have been refunded.
Donation retrying First attempt to charge off failed. A new attempt will be made.
Donation scheduled One-time donation is scheduled.
Donation successful The charge was successfully debited.
Donation updated One or more payment parameters — such as payment method, donation amount, or frequency — have been changed for this donation. To see exactly what has changed, click on the event.
Donation personal information deleted The supporter's personal information has been removed from the charge.

Recurring plan

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Event type Event description
Recurring plan activated A new recurring plan has been activated.
Recurring plan canceled This recurring plan has been canceled.
Recurring plan completed This recurring plan has ended. The donor has set a limit (such as a total donation amount limit) and the limit has been reached.
Recurring plan donor preferences updated One or more donation-related parameters — such as designation, donor name, anonymity preference, etc. — have been changed for this recurring donation. To see exactly what has changed, click on the event.
Recurring plan failed This recurring plan is now set as failed, according to your Recurring plan settings.
Recurring plan paused This recurring plan has been paused for a specified period of time, during which no installments will be charged.
Recurring plan payment terms updated One or more payment parameters — such as payment method, donation amount, frequency, etc. — have been changed for this recurring donation. To see exactly what has changed, click on the event.
Recurring plan retrying First attempt to charge the current installment has failed. A new attempt will be made.
Recurring plan scheduled This recurring plan has been created and the donor has selected a future date for the first installment to be processed.
Recurring plan personal details deleted All supporter details associated with this recurring plan have been deleted.


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Event type Event description
Supporter created A new supporter has been created.
Supporter details deleted A supporter’s personal information has been deleted.
Supporter updated A supporter’s personal information has been changed.

Transaction attempt

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Event type Event description
Transaction attempt failed Charge attempt failed.
Transaction attempt pending Charge attempt is now in progress.
Transaction attempt successful Charge attempt was successful.


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Event type Event description
Tribute card sent Tribute has been sent for one-time donation or recurring plan.
Tribute created Tribute has been set for one-time donation or recurring plan.
Tribute updated Tribute has been changed on one-time donation or recurring plan.

You can also view the event history in the Activity section:

  • Within the Donations tab on each donation page.
  • Within the Recurring tab on each recurring plan's page.
  • Within the Supporters tab on each supporter's individual page.


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