Image guidelines

Your reference for common image sizes used in the platform

There are many sections in the Fundraise Up platform where you can upload your own images. This guide includes the minimum sizes for images and where exactly each image can be added. Note that there are no maximum sizes for any images, and any aspect ratio is permitted provided the image meets the minimum size requirements.

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On the Account settings page in the Dashboard, you can set your organization’s default logo. This logo will be used as the default logo for the Checkout modal, Campaign Page and Donor Portal.


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On the Receipt settings page in the Dashboard, you can set the logo that will be displayed on donation PDF receipts. You can also upload a signature image that will be displayed above the signature name on a receipt.

Signature image

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Minimum size 240 × 240 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

Checkout modal

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The Ask settings for each Checkout let you upload a custom main image and logo image that will be shown alongside the Checkout modal itself. To set these images, go to Campaigns > [Campaign name]> Checkout modal > Ask page.

Main image

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Minimum size 1032 × 578 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

Campaign Page

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You can upload visual content to customize your Campaign Page.

Main image

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Minimum size 1248 × 702 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

Donor Portal

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On the Donor Portal settings page in the Dashboard, you can set the browser icon (favicon) and the hero image that will be displayed in the Donor Portal.

Browser icon

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Minimum size 32 × 32 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

Hero image

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Donor Portal main view hero image

Minimum size 1860 × 700 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

Goal reached image

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The Donor Portal image shown when a goal is reached. This image is chosen and uploaded on the Fundraiser settings page of a campaign’s Checkout.

To set the hero image that’s displayed in the when a goal is reached for a Fundraiser, visit the Fundraisers settings page of the Checkout where you want to add it: Campaigns > [Campaign name] > Fundraisers > Goal. This image will be displayed in the Donor Portal.

Minimum size 1860 × 580 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)


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Many emails within Fundraise Up can be customized to include a custom logo and image. These images can be set for the entire organization and automatically applied to all Campaigns from the Emails settings page in the Dashboard. Alternatively, these images can also be set for each individual Campaign by going to Campaigns > [Campaign name] > Emails.


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Minimum size 1160 × 436 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)


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Image collections

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When the Tribute feature is enabled for a campaign’s Checkout, you have the option to let supporters send an e-card acknowledgment email that includes an image from our Image collections.

Minimum size 772 × 526 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

Tribute e-card

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When a supporter chooses to share their tribute with someone by email, the system sends this email. Users can change the picture in the Organization’s email settings or in the Campaign Settings.

Minimum size 772 × 526 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)


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When you create or edit a Fundraiser in the Dashboard, you can set the logo for the Fundraiser campaign. This logo will be used as the default logo in the Checkout modal and Campaign Page, in the Fundraisers elements, and in emails linked to that Fundraiser.


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Image Card

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This element displays an interactive card that features an image, text, and a button. The uploaded image is added to the top of the Image Card.

Minimum size 684 × 712 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

QR Code

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The QR Code Element generates a code that directs supporters to a campaign’s checkout when scanned. You can also upload an image to appear in the center of the QR code.

QR codes can be downloaded as SVG or PNG files and come with a transparent background. If you're using an SVG for print or TV, make sure the uploaded image matches the final size. Larger final images require larger uploaded images.

Minimum size 100 × 100 px
Recommended size 460 × 460 px
Permitted file types JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)


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