
Configure settings related to Supporters.

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In your Fundraise Up Dashboard settings, under the Supporter tab, you can easily customize account-level settings to enhance your interactions with both potential and existing supporters.

Supporters with abandoned donations

The Supporters with abandoned donations setting helps organizations reclaim potential donations that were initiated but not finished. This setting allows the system to save details of supporters who started the donation process but did not complete it, marking these as Abandoned Donations.

Enabling the Save supporters with abandoned donations checkbox in your Dashboard settings triggers two key actions to improve engagement with potential donors.

  1. Activation of the "Remind Me Later" Screen. This key step provides a final opportunity to capture the supporter's email address within the Checkout modal. It allows the supporter to opt in for a reminder to complete their donation later.
  2. Creation of Abandoned Donations: With this option active, your account will start recording instances of Abandoned Donations. Abandoned Donations are created under specific conditions:
    • If a supporter leaves their email on the Checkout Modal’s "Remind Me Later" screen.
    • When a supporter exits the Checkout Modal/Campaign Page after entering their email at the Personal Information step.
    • When a supporter enters their email on the Checkout Modal/Campaign Page but then remains inactive for an hour.
To comply with laws in some countries, organizations must get clear consent from donors before collecting their data. We recommend enabling the explicit consent feature and setting up your organization's Terms & Conditions. By turning on the Prompt supporters to accept your terms option in your campaign settings, you'll ensure that a supporter's email and other data are stored only after they agree to these Terms & Conditions.

Abandoned Donation will not be recorded if a supporter chooses to donate crypto. This functionality is intended for fiat transactions only.

Within the Dashboard, organizations can view and manage Supporters with Abandoned Donations. Learn more →

An Abandoned donation reminder email sequence automatically starts for all abandoned donations to re-engage supporters. This aims to remind them about their incomplete donations and encourage them to complete the process. Organizations have the option to customize this by either enabling or disabling the email sequence based on their preference. Learn more →

Exporting Abandoned Donations offers valuable insights for analysis and strategy improvement. This feature helps organizations understand and decrease the number of abandoned donations over time. Learn more →

Supporter mailing address settings


The Validate mailing address checkbox gives you the option whether or not to check mailing addresses added or edited in the Checkout modal, Virtual Terminal, Campaign Pages, Donor Portal or in the Dashboard for their validity.

While validating mailing addresses improves accuracy and deliverability of mail communications, not validating them has a significant positive effect on conversion in the Checkout.

If validation is disabled, we will not check the donor’s entered mailing address and they will be able to advance to the next stage of the Checkout form regardless of what they enter in the mailing address fields. For addresses like these that have not been validated, the “Deliverable” icon will not appear next to their address on their Supporter page.

Case format

If validation is enabled, US-based nonprofits also have the option to choose their preferred case format for their supporters’ mailing addresses. The selected case will only apply to addresses in the USA and its territories, and only to addresses entered in English. The case options are as follows:

  • all letters capitalized
  • the first letter of each word capitalized

Only newly added addresses will be in the chosen format. Previously collected addresses will remain unchanged. When syncing or exporting data, addresses will be displayed in the case format that was selected in settings at the moment when the address was collected. For non-US organizations, supporter addresses from the US and its territories will be saved with just the first letter capitalized by default.


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