How to change supporters’ address format?
If you are an organization based in the US, you have the freedom to select the format of your supporters' addresses. You can easily alternate between ALL CAPS and Proper Case address formats in the settings.
To access the address format settings, you must first enable the "Validate mailing address" option. Follow these steps to adjust the address format:
- Go to your Fundraise Up account settings.
- In the left sidebar, navigate to the "Supporters" section.
- Scroll down to the "Supporter mailing address" settings.
- Check the "Validate mailing address" option, if not already checked.
- Under "Choose what case format US supporter mailing addresses should be collected in", select either "First letter of each word capitalized" or "All letters capitalized".
- Click "Save changes" to apply your preferred address format.
Changing the address format setting will only affect new addresses collected after the change is made. If you wish to convert existing all-uppercase addresses to a proper case format, we recommend exporting your supporter data and using a spreadsheet formula to reformat the addresses. For example, in Microsoft Excel, you can use the =PROPER()
formula to convert text to proper case. Microsoft offers a Change the case of text article that helps explain this function in more depth.