HubSpot integration FAQ

1. What are the requirements for using the HubSpot integration with Fundraise Up?

You need a paid version of HubSpot to use the integration. While HubSpot Enterprise offers full functionality, including the ability to sync recurring donation plans, HubSpot Professional is sufficient for most features. Fundraise Up cannot support the integration for nonprofits using only HubSpot Free tools due to its limitations.

2. How does the integration handle different currencies?

The integration transmits the original donation currency and amount. If you face currency validation errors, you can configure a mapping rule in Fundraise Up. This rule converts all foreign currencies to your account's default currency before syncing with HubSpot. As a result, the currency code remains valid and recognizable by HubSpot.

3. What types of records does the integration create in HubSpot?

The integration creates Deals for donations and associates them with Contacts. It also creates a new "Fundraise Up Donations" Pipeline and a new "Recurring Plan" Custom Object (for Enterprise users).

4. Can multiple Fundraise Up accounts connect to the same HubSpot environment?

Yes, it is possible for separate Fundraise Up accounts to be connected to the same HubSpot environment.

5. Can I connect multiple HubSpot environments to the same Fundraise Up account?

Yes, this capability is particularly useful for setting up sandbox environments and conducting tests.

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