Payment methods FAQ
1. Can I use another payment processor besides Stripe and PayPal?
Fundraise Up exclusively supports Stripe and PayPal as payment processors for monetary transactions. You must connect a Stripe account for processing donations.
2. Can credit card donations be disabled?
For any campaign which accepts standard currencies (fiat currency like USD, EUR, GBP), credit card donations will always be available in the checkout process.
3. How long do card transactions take to clear?
While credit card donations in Fundraise Up tend to succeed immediately, the time for funds to be available in your payment processor account varies. Usually, most successful donations clear within 3-5 business days.
4. Is auto-updating of card expiration dates GDPR compliant?
Yes. Cardholders authorize their issuing banks to provide updated card numbers to networks and major acquirers. Most issuers require cardholders to consent to card account updater participation as a condition of accepting and using the issuer's card.
5. Why do recurring donation attempts continue after a “stolen_card” decline?
We continue retry attempts since Stripe error messages may be temporary. The payment might succeed once bank-related issues are resolved.
6. What should I do about the “replace payment_method_types with automatic_payment_methods” warning?
This warning is not related to Fundraise Up. It's a Stripe account setting that you should address independently.
7. How should supporters handle dashes in ACH account numbers?
ACH account numbers typically don't contain dashes. When inputting the account number, supporters can simply omit the dashes and enter only the digits.
8. Why is there a 2-day gap before the initial Bacs Direct Debit charge?
This is a standard regulatory requirement known as the "advance notice period". Stripe requires this 2-day period for all Bacs Direct Debit transactions.
9. Do you support Stripe's Secure Remote Commerce feature?
We do not support this feature.
10. Why might “FUNDRAISEUP.COM” appear in bank statements?
This occurs when a Stripe account is created through our platform using the "Create Stripe account" button in the Dashboard. You can modify the statement description directly in your Stripe account settings.
11. Should I be concerned about the “Webhooks recommended” note for SEPA and iDEAL payment methods configuration in Stripe?
No action is required. The webhooks are enabled and processed on our end.
12. Can specific credit cards be blacklisted?
This feature is not available through our platform. However, it can be done directly in Stripe using their Radar rules.
13. Why might Direct Debit donations not have a Stripe ID?
Initially, unverified transactions lack a Stripe transaction ID. After verification, the transaction is sent to Stripe, which then assigns an ID.
15. Why doesn't Fundraise Up offer UGX as a currency?
Due to technical limitations in how Stripe handles the Ugandan Shilling (UGX) and its decimal places, we are unable to support this currency in our system.