Raiser’s Edge NXT FAQ

Why I can't find my Raiser's Edge campaign in Special Rules?

Please check if your Raiser's Edge campaign is disabled or has an end date prior to the current day.

For a Raiser's Edge campaign to be selectable in the Special Rules section of Fundraise Up's Raiser's Edge NXT integration, the campaign must be enabled and must not have an end date prior to the current day.

Why do I have two records in Raiser's Edge NXT for the first installment of a recurring plan?

One record represents the first installment, the other record represents the schedule of payment. Think of the gift of the type "Recurring gift" as the folder and the "Recurring gift payment" as files inside that folder.

When looking at the records created when a recurring plan's first installment is synced to Raiser's Edge NXT, you will see both a Recurring gift record and a Recurring gift payment record. This is intentional, as future installments will only create a Recurring gift payment record also associated to that Recurring gift record.

Recurring gift – This is the record the houses all the payments that belong to the recurring plan. Each recurring plan synced from Fundraise Up will have a Recurring gift record in NXT. Cancel the plan and start one for the same supporter? You will see a new Recurring gift that belongs to that supporter.

Recurring gift payment – This refers to each payment installment that belongs to that plan. Payment installments are charged on a set frequency set by the supporter. Each installment creates a new Recurring gift payment record associated with the Recurring gift record that represents the plan.

For more information on how to customize the Raiser's Edge NXT Integration please visit the article on Customizing the Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT Integration.

Why are addresses not populating on Raiser's Edge NXT constituents?

It's likely that the "Countries matching" rules are not set. Please check that setting in the NXT integration!

Raiser's Edge NXT requires Country information to be matched to an exact list, which must first be done in the setup of the Raiser's Edge NXT integration.

You can set up the "Countries matching" configuration in the integration's general settings tab.

There is a long list of matching countries to configure. Feel free to configure the country where you will get the most supporters first and complete the rest of the countries at your convenience.

For more information, please refer to the larger Customizing the Raiser's Edge NXT integration article.

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