How can I switch from a Salesforce integration to a Salesforce NPSP integration?

If your Fundraise Up account is currently integrated with Salesforce and you want to switch over to our specialized Salesforce NPSP integration, follow these steps. Make sure you have set up a Salesforce NPSP account before you start.

  1. Disconnect your current Salesforce integration: in the Fundraise Up Dashboard, go to your main account settings, open the Integrations tab, click on Salesforce, and scroll down to find the Disconnect Salesforce button.
  2. In your Salesforce account, go to Setup then Object Manager. Find the label titled Opportunity.
  3. Navigate to Fields & Relationships and find the field named FundraiseUpRecurring__c
  4. Use the dropdown on the right of this Fundraise Up Recurring ID field and select Delete. A modal will appear — click Delete again.
  5. Navigate to Deleted Fields and click Erase (we recommend exporting all the data before deleting permanently) and confirm the deletion in the modal that appears.
  6. Next you need to delete the FundraiseUpRecurring__c object. Go to Object Manager, find FundraiseUpRecurring__c and delete the object in the same way you deleted the field in step 4.
  7. Return to the Fundraise Up Dashboard, and your integration settings. Scroll down and find the Add Integration button, and select Salesforce NPSP.
  8. Run a manual synchronization by pressing the Synchronize button near the bottom of the page.

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