Understanding Recurring Donations from Fundraise Up in Stripe

When managing recurring donations through Fundraise Up, you may notice that these transactions appear differently in Stripe compared to how they're handled within Fundraise Up.

How Recurring Donations Appear in Stripe

  1. Single Transactions: Recurring donations from Fundraise Up appear as individual, one-off donations in Stripe.
  2. No Automatic Subscriptions: Fundraise Up does not create automatic subscriptions in Stripe for recurring donations.
  3. Consistent Processing: Despite appearing as single transactions, Fundraise Up ensures that recurring payments are processed on the same day each period.

Identifying Recurring Donations in Stripe

To help you distinguish recurring donations from one-time contributions in Stripe:

  1. Payment Details: Look for a specific description in the Payment Details section.
  2. Identifier: Recurring donations will have a description such as "Recurring donation via Fundraise Up".
  3. Consistency: You might observe regular transactions from the same supporter (referred to as a customer in Stripe).

Why This Approach?

  1. Simplified Management: By handling recurring donations on our end, Fundraise Up can provide more flexible management options within our platform.
  2. Consistent Donor Experience: This approach ensures a seamless experience for supporters, regardless of how the transactions are processed behind the scenes.
  3. Enhanced Reporting: Fundraise Up's method allows for more detailed reporting and management of recurring donations within our platform.

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