How to reactivate scheduled (skipped) recurring plan?

If a recurring plan has a "Scheduled" status due to being skipped by the donor or via the Dashboard, there isn't a direct way to unskip it. However, you can use the following workaround to reactivate the plan:

  1. On the recurring plan page, click Edit payment details.
  2. In the popup window, change the Starting on date to any other day.
  3. Change the Starting on date back to the previous day.
  4. Save changes.

After completing these steps, the next installment will be charged on the chosen day of the closest recurring plan period. For example, if on May 15th, the starting day of a scheduled monthly recurring plan was updated to May 19th, the next installment would be on May 19th. If updated to May 7th, the next installment would be on June 7th.

Donors can also use this workaround to unskip a scheduled recurring plan in the Donor Portal through the Edit payment details option.

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