If your Fundraise Up account is currently integrated with Salesforce and you want to switch over to our specialized Salesforce NPSP integration, follow these steps. Make sure you have set up a Salesforce
This guide provides the minimum permissions required to connect and use Salesforce and Salesforce NPSP integration.
Accessing Profile Settings
In Salesforce, go to Setup and use the Quick Find
If your organization uses the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) with Salesforce, you may want to map the payment method used to make a donation in Fundraise Up to the Payment method field on the NPSP Payments
This guide outlines the minimum permissions required to connect and use the Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud integration with Fundraise Up.
Accessing Profile Settings
In Salesforce, navigate to Setup and use
If you've connected the Salesforce integration but don't see your campaigns when trying to use the Salesforce integration mapping rules, it's likely due to an issue with user permissions. For the integration
At present, daily recurring donations do not create corresponding recurring objects in Salesforce NPSP due to Salesforce's API limitations. While our platform allows daily recurring donations, these cannot
If you encounter an error stating that the "RecurringEndedAt__c" column is missing in your recurring object in Salesforce, such an issue is easy to resolve. We send data to Salesforce about the date a