Virtual Terminal FAQ
1. What are the benefits of using Virtual Terminal?
Please refer to our dedicated article on Virtual Terminal benefits.
2. Is an email address required?
No, an email address is not required to process donations through the Virtual Terminal. However, if the supporter did not provide an email address and you use CRM integration with email matching, you should use unique emails (such as
) for each supporter. Be aware that using the same email for multiple supporters will merge them into one Supporter record. Note that some payment methods, like PAD, do require an email address.
3. Can I use saved payment methods?
Yes, you can use saved payment methods for supporters who have made donations to your organization previously. This feature auto-fills supporter information and lets you use their saved payment methods for new donations.
4. How does the Virtual Terminal handle high-volume events?
By default, Fundraise Up can process up to 200 real-time transactions per second. If needed, this capacity can be increased to 1,000 transactions per second. For more details on handling high-volume events, click here.
5. Can I process donations without a CVC/CVV code?
Yes, you can process card-based donations without the CVC/CVV security code. Configure this option in the Virtual Terminal settings.
6. Can I customize the Virtual Terminal?
Yes, you can customize the Virtual Terminal through your Dashboard settings. Available options include campaign visibility, email requirements, checkout notes, and CVC/CVV requirements.
7. How are Virtual Terminal donations identified?
All donations processed through the Virtual Terminal are tagged with the source "Virtual Terminal" in your Dashboard, Exports templates, and integrations.
8. How does payment verification work?
The Virtual Terminal uses Stripe’s MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) processing, which bypasses additional verification checks like 3D Secure (3DS).
10. How does the Virtual Terminal handle different languages?
If you have multiple languages enabled, you'll see a Language field where you can select the supporter's preferred language. This selection determines their email communication language and Donor Portal default language.
11. Can I create recurring plans with future start dates?
Yes, the Virtual Terminal allows you to create both one-time donations and recurring plans with future start dates. This unique feature is exclusive to the Virtual Terminal and not available through other donation methods.
12. Can I record cash or check donations using Virtual Terminal?
No, the Virtual Terminal is not designed for recording cash or check donations. It's primarily used for processing electronic payments.