Stand Up to Cancer switches donation platforms, scales up donation processing with Fundraise Up


donors covered transaction fees


less time training staff


decrease in call wait time
Stand up to cancer Case Study
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) is a groundbreaking initiative committed to saving lives by accelerating innovative cancer research. With thousands upon thousands of viewers tuning in to SU2C’s biannual telecasts, SU2C needed a donation platform powerful enough to process a large number of payments at scale and simple enough to easily train telecast staff.

The challenge

SU2C’s telecast is not just any event. It’s a massive undertaking that involves processing a large number of donations in a short time.
They needed a new platform built to:
  • Accommodate high volume spikes and catch payment errors in real time
  • Simplify checkout by accepting multiple payment methods and currencies
  • Offer an easy, intuitive interface for telecast staff to navigate

The solution

Fundraise Up rose to the occasion by delivering a streamlined and efficient system that not only met but exceeded SU2C’s expectations. Here’s how:
Real-time processing
With Fundraise Up, payments were processed instantly, keeping the declined payment rate impressively low at 0.97%. This efficiency meant that the average donation amount increased significantly during the telecast.
Reduced training time
The platform’s intuitive design cut staff training time in half, from three months to six weeks. This meant staff were ready sooner and could focus on other crucial aspects of the event.
Smart donation processing
Fundraise Up’s intelligent system was adept at spotting fraud and catching errors as they happened, ensuring a smooth donation experience for everyone involved.

The results:

donors covered transaction fees
less time training staff
decrease in call wait time

Beyond the numbers

The collaboration between SU2C and Fundraise Up extended beyond just the telecast. Fundraise Up’s Elements like the Donate Button, Sticky Button, and QR Code, among others, made the donation process engaging and accessible. Plus, the donation platform’s ability to handle high-volume events and provide an easy-to-use solution for call centers positioned it as the perfect partner for SU2C.

Preparation is key

For such a high-stakes event, preparation is crucial. Fundraise Up’s thorough approach included applying temporary changes to the Virtual Terminal, creating user accounts for over 2000 telecast staff, and ensuring technical settings, like Stripe radar, were optimized for the event.
What is this? Learn about the Virtual Terminal
Load testing and CRM integration were also part of the preparatory work, ensuring that the platform could handle the volume of donations and that data flowed seamlessly to SU2C’s CRM.
Fundraise Up’s solution for Stand Up To Cancer’s telecast is a prime example of how a digital-first donation tool can revolutionize fundraising. With a platform that was both powerful in processing capacity and easy for staff to use, Fundraise Up helped SU2C save time, reduce wait times, and ultimately, increase donations.
This partnership not only supported SU2C’s mission to accelerate cancer research but also showcased the potential for innovative solutions to make a real difference in nonprofit fundraising efforts.
Fundraise Up made donation processing intelligent enough to correctly identify fraud and catch errors in real time. The processing power and flexibility also made on-the-fly coordination possible during the telecast so there was never a component that was down or processing slowly.
Robyn Bucknam
VP, Innovation and Technology
Cancer research
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Customer since
July 2020

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