Centralize recurring donations
Increase revenue by moving your recurring donations from another platform to Fundraise Up. Fundraise Up doesn’t charge any fees to migrate, and our dedicated team will help manage the whole process.
Improve the donor experience
Once you move your donors to Fundraise Up they will have access to the Donor Portal, a user-friendly dashboard where they can manage their recurring plans, increase their donation amount, change their payment method, download receipts, and more.
Explore Donor PortalIncrease your recurring revenue with upgrades
Migrating allows you to use Upgrade Links for recurring donors. Powered by AI to optimize the amounts suggested, donors will be motivated to increase their donation amount or start covering their transaction fees.
Explore Upgrade LinksReduce cancellations of recurring plans
By providing donors with alternatives to canceling you’ll see a reduction in cancellations — 35% of plans that donors were about to cancel were saved in 2023 because they could adjust their plan instead of canceling it.
Improve retention with automatic card updates
Stripe works with card networks to automatically update saved card details whenever a donor receives a new card — 15.2% of all subscriptions were saved this way in 2023. If we can’t find updated information in Stripe, we’ll send emails to remind the donor to update their payment method.
Centralize all your donations on a single platform
Easily and cost-effectively manage all donations in the Dashboard. Reduce the time and cost spent on email campaigns, report generation, and other tasks.
Explore DashboardAlready have Fundraise Up?
The sooner you migrate your recurring accounts, the sooner you’ll benefit from higher donation revenue.
Request a migration serviceDon’t have Fundraise Up yet?
We’re happy to answer your questions and get you acquainted with Fundraise Up.
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