Company matching

Get more matched gifts

Engage donors with company matching directly within your donation checkout. Get more matches and greater revenue-only with Fundraise Up.
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Upsell donors at checkout

Powered by 360MatchPro

Fundraise Up’s integration with Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro platform powers the most advanced company matching integration in the nonprofit industry, streamlining your match strategy and powering more matches and greater revenue.
Powered by 360MatchPro

Integrated with Checkout

Fundraise Up’s donation checkout seamlessly integrates company matching into the giving experience, reducing steps for donors and increasing match opportunities for your nonprofit.
Explore Checkout
Integrated with Checkout

Optimized for more matches

With Fundraise Up, donors can automatically upgrade their donations at checkout when they don’t meet minimum match amounts. Your organization gets more eligible matches and donors further their impact through greater giving.
Exclusive to Fundraise Up
Optimized for more matches

Case study

How a unified donation experience drove channel growth

With Fundraise Up, Boys & Girls Clubs of America found a way to streamline giving and increase the effectiveness of its campaigns.

See the case study
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Case Study
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Case Study
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Case Study

See Fundraise Up’s innovative features in action

Talk to our digital fundraising experts about how Fundraise Up can elevate your organization’s donor revenue.
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