The 2022 Digital GivingTuesday Campaign Checklist for Nonprofits

Oct 19, 2022
Nhu Te
Senior Content Manager

Ready for the biggest giving day of the year? Use this checklist to get your GivingTuesday campaign prepped and primed for optimal results this year-end.

Lay the groundwork

  • Define the purpose of your GivingTuesday campaign. This will help develop messaging for what cause(s) you're fundraising for, where the funds are going, and why people should offer their support. Need some inspiration? Here's a resource from GivingTuesday →
  • Tell your story. Get together with your team to brainstorm ways to compel people to donate to your campaign. Who will benefit from the campaign, and what impact stories can you share in your digital communications? For best practices on effective storytelling, check out this resource from Neon One →
  • Set your promotion schedule. Decide which digital channels to promote GivingTuesday on and when you will be launching those communications.

Include GivingTuesday on your website

  • Connect GivingTuesday to your main donate button. Connect your GivingTuesday campaign to your main donate button to ensure all funds raised that day go toward the campaign.
BIG WIN By sending donors directly to its GivingTuesday campaign, Animal Haven has seen huge lifts in revenue year after year →
  • Build a landing page for your GivingTuesday campaign. Dedicate a landing page to your GivingTuesday campaign so that people understand what you're fundraising for and how they can offer their support. Learn more about how to create effective landing pages in this guide from HubSpot →
  • Prioritize your GivingTuesday campaign with a popup. As an additional way to garner attention to your GivingTuesday campaign, consider highlighting your GivingTuesday initiatives through a popup box when someone enters your website.

Build out your emails

  • Set your email marketing plan. Identify how many emails you want to send between now and November 29. We recommend that you diversify to include non-appeals — like a touching story or an impact update — so that not every email is an ask. Need help establishing your email timeline? Here's a helpful resource from NextAfter →
  • Segment your email lists. Once you decide what types of emails you will send leading up to and on GivingTuesday, it's time to build out your email lists. How you categorize your lists will depend on your organization, but a few ideas are to segment by type of supporter, cause area, and past campaign activity. Want tips on email segmentation? Check out this resource from WholeWhale →
  • Preschedule your email sends. To save you time and stress leading up to GivingTuesday, build out your emails and schedule them in advance so you can focus more mission-critical activities on November 29.

Get social ready

  • Create different types of social posts to promote GivingTuesday. Brainstorm creative ideas on how to share the news about GivingTuesday on your social channels. Be sure to include organic and paid social posts, and always include a call-to-action button that links back to your GivingTuesday campaign. Julia Campbell shares social media ideas to boost year-end giving in this resource →
  • Preschedule social posts for GivingTuesday. If you have a social media management tool, like Hootsuite, consider scheduling your social posts in advance so they're ready to go live on GivingTuesday without any additional effort on your part.

About Fundraise Up

Fundraise Up is a technology company unlocking the world’s generosity potential by optimizing how people give. Our donation platform helps nonprofits engage more supporters and grow revenue by providing easy ways to increase conversion, enable modern payment methods, and personalize the giving experience for every donor. Fundraise Up is the partner of choice for UNICEF USA, The Salvation Army UK, American Heart Association, and other impactful organizations across the globe.

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