AI for nonprofits: 3 ways to maximize donor revenue with modern digital fundraising

Jul 25, 2024
Ashley Montgomery
Content Marketing Manager

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing a number of fields, including nonprofit fundraising. A nonprofit faces unique challenges, such as limited resources, donor retention, and the need for personalized communication. AI can address these challenges by offering smart, data-driven strategies that enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

By leveraging modern digital fundraising tools incorporating AI, nonprofits can optimize donation processes, personalize donor interactions, and maintain top-notch security.

Let's dive into three key areas where AI can significantly benefit nonprofits and how Fundraise Up supports these efforts.

1. Optimizing donation processes

AI can revolutionize how nonprofits boost conversion rates and increase donation revenue, making fundraising efforts more efficient and impactful.

Optimal donation amounts

For nonprofits, determining the perfect amount to ask from donors has always been a critical goal. Asking for too little can leave potential revenue on the table, while asking for too much might discourage donations altogether.

Our own AI fundraising tool analyzes donor behavior to suggest optimal donation amounts based on how the donor will likely respond. This approach helps tailor donation requests to each individual donor, increasing the likelihood of higher contributions.

When the AI-suggested gift amount is enabled, research shows the average impact to be an additional 1.5%-3% more revenue. The platform analyzes donor behavioral data and provides personalized donation prompts encouraging higher contributions. This data-driven approach ensures that donation requests are both strategic and effective, maximizing donor engagement and generosity.

Transaction cost coverage

AI can help by analyzing donor behavior and identifying the right donors to ask to cover these costs. This strategic approach ensures that more of the donated money goes directly to the nonprofit's mission.

One of the standout features of Fundraise Up is its ability to make smart recommendations that lead to 82% of donors covering transaction costs via Adaptive Cost Coverage. This means more of each donation goes directly to the nonprofit’s mission, increasing overall revenue. By subtly suggesting donors cover these fees during the checkout process, the platform enhances the financial efficiency of fundraising efforts.

Reducing cancellations

Recurring donations are a lifeblood for many nonprofits, providing a steady income stream. However, donor cancellations can disrupt this stability. Fundraise Up offers options to prevent cancellations, saving 27% of at-risk donors. When a donor attempts to cancel, AI prompts the donor with options like skipping a month or changing the donation amount, preventing some cancellations. This proactive approach facilitates donation retention and reduces churn rates.

Intelligent card retries

Payment failures due to card declines are a common issue that can lead to lost donations. AI can intelligently retry card transactions at optimal times, increasing the chances of successful payments. This reduces the number of failed transactions and helps maintain a consistent flow of donations.

When a transaction fails, Fundraise Up’s AI determines when to set a recurring plan's status to "failed" after charge attempts have been made. This feature significantly lowers churn rates while ensuring regular donations.

AI is the future of nonprofit fundraising: learn how AI is driving the next wave of forward-thinking digital fundraising strategies.

2. Personalizing donor interactions

Personalized interactions are key to building strong donor relationships and increasing engagement.

Utilizing donor behavioral data

Understanding donor behavior is crucial for nonprofits to create meaningful interactions. With Fundraise Up's Insights Dashboard, it's easy to see trends and patterns, like the main causes driving donations, with easy-to-use charts and data visualizations. This knowledge helps nonprofits improve their campaigns and strengthen their impact.

Recurring plan upsells

Converting one-time donors into recurring donors is a major goal for nonprofits, as it ensures a stable and predictable income stream. AI can identify donors who are likely to upgrade to recurring donations and present them with personalized appeals. This targeted approach can significantly increase conversion rates, the number of recurring donors, and overall revenue.

Fundraise Up’s AI prompts one-time donors to become recurring donors, increasing recurring gifts by 2-3x. The platform identifies donors likely to commit to recurring donations and presents them with personalized appeals to upgrade their giving. This strategy not only boosts revenue but also builds a reliable donor base.

Unique dataset

Nonprofits can benefit immensely from high-quality, targeted datasets that provide comprehensive insights into donor behavior. AI fundraising tools can utilize these rich datasets to develop precise strategies for donor engagement and fundraising.

Fundraise Up's AI for nonprofits utilizes an exclusive dataset of non-PII data points, including transactional, engagement, behavior, interest, location, technical, and other information. This data is limited to nonprofit donations and isn't skewed by other sources, like crowdfunding, which allows the platform to make accurate predictions and recommendations. The result is a more effective and efficient fundraising strategy.

Your favorite new tool for better data (and more donations!): the Insights Dashboard is your all-in-one tool with donor metrics to help you make smart choices quickly.

3. Maintaining top-notch security

Security is a top priority when handling donor information and transactions.

Fraud protection

Fraud is a significant concern for nonprofits, as it can undermine donor trust and lead to financial losses. AI fundraising tools can monitor transactions in real time, detect fraudulent activities, and block them before they cause harm. This proactive approach to security helps protect both the nonprofit and its donors.

Fundraise Up’s AI-driven fraud protection detects and blocks 98.8% of fraudulent transactions. By continuously monitoring transactions and identifying suspicious activities, the platform protects organizations from fraud. This high level of security fosters trust and confidence among donors.


In an era where compliance is critical, nonprofits must ensure they handle donor information securely and comply with regulations. AI for nonprofits can help by implementing comprehensive privacy measures and processing data in accordance with the highest standards.

Fundraise Up emphasizes compliance with top security standards like ISO 27001 and is the only platform that offers enterprise certifications for fundraising. This approach ensures that donor data is handled carefully and meets stringent regulatory requirements. This commitment to compliance safeguards sensitive information and enhances donor trust.

Strengthening nonprofit compliance with ISO certification: why we stand as the sole online donation platform to publicly affirm ISO 27001 certification.

Benefit from AI for nonprofits with Fundraise Up

AI offers numerous benefits for nonprofits, from optimizing donation processes and personalizing donor interactions to maintaining top-notch security. Fundraise Up's innovative platform harnesses the power of AI for nonprofits, maximizing their fundraising potential and streamlining operations.

Nonprofits looking to enhance their fundraising efforts should explore AI solutions like Fundraise Up. With advanced technologies and data-driven strategies, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, higher donor engagement, and increased revenue.

Discover how AI for nonprofits is transforming fundraising — learn more about Fundraise Up's features with a personalized demo. Book a call today!

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