7 New Recurring Donation Frequencies Added to Checkout

Oct 14, 2022
Nelly Dudukalova
Product Marketing Manager

You can now toggle seven new recurring donation frequencies in Checkout.

In addition to one-time and monthly options, Checkout now supports daily, weekly, biweekly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual donation frequencies.

The new frequencies add flexibility to how you fundraise. For example, if you’re a Muslim organization fundraising during Ramadan, you can use the daily giving frequency to enable donors to make an automatic donation during each day of the month.

Or, if you have a fundraising strategy that taps donors for larger but less frequent gifts, options like semiannual and annual frequencies make it easy for these supporters to opt-in to greater giving directly on your website.

And if you’re hyper-focused on testing or segmentation, you can even create multiple Checkout instances, each with unique donation frequencies configured to evaluate which frequencies perform best with your various donor groups.

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About Fundraise Up

Fundraise Up is a technology company unlocking the world’s generosity potential by optimizing how people give. Our donation platform helps nonprofits engage more supporters and grow revenue by providing easy ways to increase conversion, enable modern payment methods, and personalize the giving experience for every donor. Fundraise Up is the partner of choice for UNICEF USA, The Salvation Army UK, American Heart Association, and other impactful organizations across the globe.

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