Prefill Checkout with donor details using the updated URL API

Mar 28, 2021
Nelly Dudukalova
Product Marketing Manager

Digital marketers have long used marketing automation platforms to segment their audiences and personalize email outreach, and with good reason. Experian reports that personalized subject lines lead to a 26% increase in open rates, and data from the DMA reveals a 760% increase in email revenue when segmentation is applied to campaigns.

Now, with a recent update to Fundraise Up's URL API, you can pass data like the personalization tags used in Mailchimp, to a Fundraise Up Checkout to streamline the donation experience.

In the illustration above, the marketing email includes a donation link that appends the email recipient's personalization merge tags to the donation link that launches Checkout.

With the URL API, it was previously possible to pass a donation amount through a URL, but with the new update, you can now include a donor's first name, last name, and email address, too.

Because first name, last name, and email address are the only values required to complete a donation when these values are passed to Checkout in a URL, you remove the need for a donor to manually input their information and allow for a seamless donation experience.

Notice how after the payment details are confirmed, the donor's information is already populated in the Personal Information fields.

To take full advantage of Fundraise Up's URL API, we recommend utilizing your CRM or marketing automation platform to segment your donor base by analyzing giving history, demographics, and psychographics.

Use your data to calculate ask amounts that you can merge into a marketing email and pass through in URLs to a Fundraise Up Checkout. In the event that a donor does not donate using your prefilled amount, there is a 50% chance that they will complete their donation using an amount suggested by our AI.

Get Started with Fundraise Up's URL API

There are many ways to leverage Fundraise Up's URL API for your digital fundraising strategy. We recommend reviewing our URL API documentation to get started.

About Fundraise Up

Fundraise Up is a rapidly growing financial technology company headquartered in Brooklyn, NY that provides online fundraising software to enterprise nonprofits. Fundraise Up's AI-powered platform is leveraged by trusted organizations like UNICEF USA, Partners In Health, and Stand Up to Cancer, to triple their donor acquisition rates and double their digital donation revenue.

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