New Element: QR Code

Feb 3, 2021
Nelly Dudukalova
Product Marketing Manager

Say hello to QR Code, the latest addition to our growing library of powerful Elements.

With QR Code, you can generate a scannable code that sends donors directly to a Fundraise Up Checkout on your nonprofit’s website.

QR Code can be embedded on a website or downloaded as an image that you can add to digital assets like slide decks and social media posts, or incorporated into print products like direct mail appeals.

And like all Fundraise Up Elements, QR Code is incredibly customizable. You can modify its size, color, and other attributes, and even include a custom image at the center of the code.

By the way, QR Code can be updated in real-time from your Fundraise Up dashboard! So even when a fundraising campaign ends, your QR Code can be updated to send donors to any other Fundraise Up Checkout in your account.

Now more than ever, QR codes are a great way to collect donations. And with millions of mobile devices capable of automatically scanning QR codes, you can easily engage all segments of your donor base.

Ready to get started with QR Code? Create your first code from the Elements tab of your Fundraise Up dashboard. Not yet using Fundraising Up? Get started today with a demo from our Nonprofit Success team.

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