Microsoft Dynamics 365

Set up and configure your integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

This article will explain how to integrate Fundraise Up with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Setting up the integration

Our system requests permissions from Dynamics using the credentials of the currently logged in user. Therefore, it is important that the user logged into Dynamics has access to the instance.
  1. Before you start, we recommend that you make sure you have the Nonprofit Accelerator add-on enabled in your Microsoft Dynamics environment. This is needed for the integration to function correctly because it adds objects like Transaction and Payment Schedule, along with a range of other helpful fields and objects included in the nonprofit Common Data Model.
  2. In your Microsoft Dynamics account, copy the base URL (for example of that specific environment, as you will need this later.
  3. Log in to your Fundraise Up account. In the Dashboard, click on your organization's name in the top bar, then click Settings.
  4. From the left-hand menu, click Integrations. Scroll down and click Add integration, then select Microsoft Dynamics.
  5. Click Connect Microsoft Dynamics, enter the base URL you copied from your Microsoft Dynamics account in step 1 and click Connect Microsoft Dynamics.

Your Microsoft Dynamics account is now connected to your Fundraise Up account. From now on, you can find this integration listed as active in your integration settings by going to [Organization name] → SettingsIntegrations. Click on the Microsoft Dynamics integration to view and alter your settings.

Configuring your settings

The Microsoft Dynamics Integration page has four sections: a header section, a tabbed section, a sync log and a footer.

It's good to start in the tabbed area (with tabs labeled “General Settings”, “Mapping Rules”, and “Special Rules”) so that you can cover your most common donation scenarios. Any changes you make in any of the tabbed sections are not saved until you click the Save Changes button at the bottom of that area.

General Settings

Within General Settings, you'll find several checkboxes.

  • Sync test data

    When you use test mode to experiment with platform settings and make test donations, you can choose to sync these test donations to Microsoft Dynamics by checking this box

  • Sync subaccounts

    Choose whether or not you also want to sync data originating from your Fundraise Up account’s subaccounts. You will only see this checkbox if you have at least one existing subaccount

  • Transaction statuses

    Fundraise Up searches for an exact match to match statuses in Microsoft Dynamics 365. If a match isn’t found, the status will be set to Do not sync by default

Mapping Rules

The second tab is labeled Mapping Rules — it allows you to make 1-to-1 mappings of fields in Fundraise Up to fields in Microsoft Dynamics.

Some mapping rules are already built-in by default (e.g. donation amount to donation amount), so this area is really for defining what additional things should be true most of the time.

To add a rule here, click the Add Rule button to start choosing what Fundraise Up object the mapping should start with. You can modify existing rules by clicking on any of the object or field buttons that represent the mapping, or delete them by clicking the grey x on the right-hand side of that rule's row.

The available Fundraise Up entities to map data from are:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Designation
  • Donation
  • Checkout Question
  • Custom Field
  • UTM Parameter
  • Static Value

    This allows you to enter a specific value to pass in for every Donation.

The available Microsoft Dynamics entities to map data to are:

  • Transaction
  • Payment Schedule

Special Rules

Use this section to set up if/then rules. For example: if ‘Designation’ equals ‘Wherever it’s needed most’, set the ‘Campaign’ in Microsoft Dynamics to ‘General donations’.

The available Fundraise Up entities to map data from are:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Designation

The available Microsoft Dynamics entities to map data to are:

  • Campaign
  • Designation

Syncing data to Microsoft Dynamics 365

If you choose to Enable Automatic Sync, all new donations will start going over to your Microsoft Dynamics account, generating records as soon as the donation is made.

For past donations and data, or if you make changes to your mapping rules or other configurations, you can use the manual Synchronize button.

Clicking that Synchronize button will launch a popup labeled Synchronize Donations, which will provide you the following options:

  • All donations
  • Specify period

    This will offer a date range selector, so that you can sync only donations made in your date range of choice.

Once you click Start Synchronization, the sync will begin.

Refreshing the page and scrolling back down to the footer will show you the progress/results of that latest manually-started sync.

Default mapping behavior


The integration creates Transactions in Microsoft Dynamics to represent all donations made through Fundraise Up, and automatically fills in certain key fields like the donation amount and date.

Pending and successful donations will sync as Transactions with the status (aka stateCode) set as "Active", whereas refunded and failed donations will sync as Transactions with the status set as "Inactive", so that the difference in successful and unsuccessful donations is as clear as possible. For more granular detail on donation statuses, you can also always map Fundraise Up's Donation Status field to a custom field on the Transaction in Dynamics.


When a Donation is synced in and creates a Transaction in Microsoft Dynamics, the integration attempts to find an existing Contact, provided the nonprofit accelerator is installed.

Microsoft Dynamics offers a tool to manage the duplicate detection rules for your environment — whatever rules you have set there are what the integration will use to attempt to locate an existing Contact.

If it does find a matching Contact, it associates the Transaction with that Contact. If it doesn't, it makes a new Contact, and associates the Transaction with the new Contact.

In both cases, we update any stored personal or contact information fields for which the Donation had updated information, such as name, email address and email mailing list opt-in status, phone number, and physical address.

Payment Schedules

The integration creates “Payment Schedules” in Microsoft Dynamics to represent any synced recurring donation plans from Fundraise Up. Any Transactions made in Microsoft Dynamics that represent installments of a Fundraise Up Recurring Plan get attached to the corresponding Payment Schedule in Microsoft Dynamics.

Related article
Integrations • Microsoft Dynamics 365


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