
A campaign is a designated fundraising effort that your organization can create to separate and manage various types of donations. You can create endless campaigns for your different fundraising drives: for example, a “Christmas campaign”, a “General Donations campaign”, a “Crypto donations campaign” and more. Each campaign has one associated Checkout modal and one associated Campaign Page: you can choose to enable only one of them or both. You can customize the Checkout modals and Campaign Pages for each campaign individually. All donations, including recurring plans, are always linked to one specific campaign, making it easier for your organization to track and manage various fundraising initiatives.

Campaign overview

When you open any campaign from the list in the Campaigns tab, you’ll see an overview of that campaign. This helps you instantly see each campaign’s successes and strengths, as well as areas for optimization.

Key statistics

The top bar shows key metrics for your campaign:

  • Total raised: the total amount of money raised from all this campaign's successful donations (including cryptocurrency and stock donations). Clicking this takes you to the Insights display, where you can see a breakdown of all the donations made to this campaign.
  • Checkout modal: the total amount raised from donations made through this campaign's Checkout Modal. Clicking this takes you to the Donations tab to show a breakdown of Checkout modal donations made to this campaign.
  • Campaign Page: the total amount raised from donations made through this campaign's Campaign Page. Clicking this takes you to the Donations tab to show a breakdown of Campaign Page donations made to this campaign.
  • Virtual Terminal: the total amount raised from donations made through the Virtual Terminal. Clicking this takes you to the Donations tab to show a breakdown of Virtual Terminal donations made to this campaign.
  • P2P fundraisers: the total amount raised from donations made to P2P fundraisers that are linked to this campaign. Clicking this takes you to the Donations tab to show a breakdown of donations made via P2P fundraisers to this campaign.
  • Recurring plans: the number of active recurring donation plans linked to this campaign. Clicking this takes you to the Recurring tab, where you can see a breakdown of all active, scheduled or retrying recurring donation plans for this campaign.
  • Last donation: the last donation made to this campaign, regardless of the donation’s status. This includes recurring donation installments. If no donations have been made to your campaign yet, this will not be displayed.

Content cards

The overview of your campaign’s settings is grouped into cards. The gray chevron symbol shows which area of each content card is clickable.

Checkout modal

If Checkout modal is enabled as an option for this campaign, this section displays the text content chosen for this Checkout modal's Ask page. This card also displays links to copy the URL for this Checkout modal, preview the donation process or make a test donation. Click on the text content to make edits in the Ask settings.

Campaign Page

If Campaign Page is enabled as an option for this campaign, this section displays the text content chosen for this Campaign Page in the Content tab. This card also displays links to copy the URL for this Campaign Page, preview the donation process or make a test donation. Click on the text content to make edits in the Content settings for your Page.

Since the release of Campaign Pages, Campaigns with both formats enabled have two links to take supporters to that Campaign: one for each format. Previously, there was one single link to each campaign. If a link created before August 21st 2023 is clicked, and the campaign it redirects to has both formats enabled, the Campaign Page will open. Learn more about which links open which formats →


Shows how Fundraise Up’s AI features are improving your campaign’s performance. Conversion-boosting features that aren’t enabled have a clickable Fix this button that will take you to the relevant settings.

Raising funds

Displays your campaign’s fundraising-related features, including the goal, offline donations, company matching and supporter comments. Click on any row to make changes.


Shows all the designations enabled for this Campaign. Clicking the header will redirect you to the Designations settings for this campaign.


Displays your current settings for tribute donations to this campaign. Clicking the header will redirect you to the Tribute settings for this campaign.

Payment methods

Shows which payment methods are enabled for your campaign and in what order, which currency is set as default and more. Use the Fix this buttons to make improvements.

Donation frequencies

Displays the recurring donation frequencies that are being suggested to supporters within this campaign. Click the header to go straight to the Frequency settings.

Supporter information

Shows you what information is being collected from your supporters (name, contact details, fund sources etc.). You can click on each individual row to make edits to these settings.


Displays the questions supporters are being prompted to answer when they make a donation to your campaign. Clicking the header takes you to the Questions settings for this campaign.

Supported languages

Shows which languages are enabled for this campaign. Click the header to go to this campaign's Localization settings and enable more or fewer languages as needed.

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